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Vi henviser til at, ”alle lokale forordninger,inklusive dem derhenviser til nationale ogeuropæiske standarder,skal overholdesved installation af anordningen”. Ønskesder flere oplysningerom installering ogfyring medpejse eller brændeovne,kan vi henvise til pjecerne ”Bygningsreglement” i det pågældendeland som WF37 er godkendti og”Korrekt fyring”, derbeggeudgivesaf Byggestyrelsen ogsom kan rekvireres hosDeresbrændeovnsforhandlereller skorstensfejer. Norge: Henvisning til norskregelverk angåendeinstallasjon av ildsted.
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Ønskesderen langsom forbrændningkan det sekundæreluftspjæld lukkes mere end de 38 % men det er vigtigt at derforsat er ild I brændet. WF37 ogWF37 med sokkel ovneer beregnet til intermitterende forbrænding.(der skal ilæggestræ ofte ogovnen er ikke fremstillet til døgnkontinuerlig opvarming.) Westfire37 er forsynet med en reguleringsventil til sekundærluft derskal sikre ilt til forbrændingen.
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 Det er nødvendigt at gøresine egneerfaringer med hensyn til indstilling af sekundærluft,da f.eks skorstenskvalitet, skorstenshøjde,brændselskvalitet ogde ydreforhold spiller en storrolle, men mankan se om forbrændingensker på denrigtige måde. HvisDeres ovn indvendig får en belægning af hård blank sod, er der tegnpå en ufuldstændig forbrænding,i så...
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All manuals and user guides at UK: I N STALLATI O N MANUAL AND OPERATI N G I N STRUCTI O NS WESTFI R E WF UNI Q 37 Thismanual refers to the stove type listed above, whichhas been tested inaccordancewith EN13240. Congratulationsonyourpurchase of a new woodburning stovefromWestfireApS.Please readthis manual carefully in orderto ensure that yougetmaximum enjoyment fromyour new stoveandto prevent any problems.Please note that “all local regulations, including thosereferring to national andEuropeanStandards, needto be compliedwith...
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STOVE PERFORMANCE & TESTING -Westfire UNIQ 37 models are tested in accordance with EN 13240 Westfire Uniq 37 has been recommended as suitable for use in smoke control areas when burning wood logs and when fitted with a mechanical stop to prevent closure of the secondary/tertiary air control beyond the 2 cm or 71% open position.”...
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 If there is no existing chimney then either a prefabricated blockchimney in accordancewith Building Regulations Approved DocumentJor a twin walled insulated stainless steel flueto BS4543 can beused. Thesechimneys must befitted in accordancewith the manufacturer’s instructionsand Building Regulations.
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 Secondary Air ControlSlider Right = Open/ Left = Closed Primary Air Controlslider Right = Open/ Left = Closed WestfireInsulatedchambers The WestfireUNIQ37 woodburning stoveis lined with heat deflectionpanels and baffles, these panels are designed to ensure the maximum efficiency and are anintegral part of the clean burnprocessof the stove.
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At nominal heat output,expect to refuel yourstoveapproximately oncean hour. WF37 models are all equipped with a air controlsiders for secondary air designedto ensure a plentiful supply of oxygenduring firing. Whenlit, the stovewill get very hot and duecare must therefore beexercised. Please use a glovewhen operating handles and air sliders.
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 You must purchase a smoke control version of the Westfire stove which is modified slightly to comply with regulations. Any change to this modification will invalidate the stoves compliance for smoke control areas.
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All manuals and user guides at Air Sliders left open: Operations with the air sliders left open can cause excess smoke. The appliance must not be operated with air sliders or doorleft open except as directed in the instructions. Operational Position of air sliders during operation and in adverse conditions You need to become familiar with your stove in order to be able to regulate the air controls (sliders) correctly, as outside factors such as the quality...
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CONTROLS ON WESTFIRE UNIQ 37 Door operation Whenopening the doorof your Westfire stovealways wear the glovethat is providedto protect your hand from possible heat. Thehandle pulls out right away from the fire. Whenshutting the doorpush the doorclosed and push the handle until the handle firmly closes.
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All manuals and user guides at TROUBLESHOOTING, CHECK THE FOLLOWING: 1. FireWillNotBurn a) the air inlet is not obstructed in any way, b) that chimneys and flueways are clear, that a suitable fuel is being used, d) that there is an adequateair supply into the room, e) that an extractorfan is not fitted in the same roomas the fire.
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 (a) Opendoorsand windows to ventilate room (b) Let the fire out oreject and safely dispose of fuel from the appliance (c) Checkfor flue orchimney blockageand clean if required (d) Donot attemptto relight the fire until the causeof the fume emission has beenidentified and corrected.
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 Number Code Description W93700-02-03-99-00 Rear fire brick W93700-02-24-99-00 Right side rear brick Part brick set Left side rear brick Side bricks front x 2 W93700-02-22-99-00 Base right brick Part brick set...
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 VERMICULITEFIREBRICK INSTALLATION SEQUENCE – WESTFIREUNIQ 37 Place Top baffle in posirion against L shaped lugs leaving 5cm gap at rear of stove. Ensure side brick Place rear brick and side bricks in...
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Weil VerbrennungLuft erfordert, ist für eine ausreichende, nicht blockierbareFrischluftzufuhrin denRaum zu sorgen, wo derKaminofensteht. Dabei kannes sich um ein offenes, ausreichend dimensioniertesBelüftungsventil oderein am OfenangeschlossenesFrischluftsystem handeln. Alle Kaminöfenvon Westfire sind mit einer Rauchumlenkplatteausgestattet, sodassder Weg,den derRauchnimmt, möglichst lang ist. A N S C H L U S S A NS C H O R N S T E I N DerSchornsteinmusseinen Durchmesservonmindestens15 cmaufweisen, was einer Öffnungvon175 cm entspricht.
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Regulierstange derSekundärluftzufuhrzu etwa 38 % eingeschoben.Nachjeweils 1 Stundeist bei Nennwärme- leistung Brennholznachzulegen. DieModelle WF37, die häufiges Nachlegenerfordern, sind nicht für Dauerbetrieb (rund um die Uhr) ausgelegt. Alle drei sind mit einem Reglerfür Sekundärluft ausgestattet,mit dem sich die ZufuhrvonSauerstoff bei kontinuier- licher Verbrennungeinstellen lässt.
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 B R E N N H O L Z VerwendenSie niemals mit GiftstoffenbelastetesHolz(Spanplatten, gestrichenes oderimprägniertes Holz), sondern stets gut durchgetrockneteHolzscheite.Der TrocknungsgraddesHolzesspielt eine großeRolle,dennfeuchtes Holz wärmt nicht nur schlecht, sondernführt auch zu Versottung.
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Lesarrivées d’air doivent être placées demanièreà ne pasêtre bloquées.Il peut s’agir d’unclapet (celui-ci doit rester ouvert et avoir une capacitésuffisante lorsque le poêleest allumé), ouunsystème d’air frais raccordéau poêle. Tousles poêles de Westfire sont équipésd’uninverseur defumées qui assure untransport desfumées suffisamment long. R A C C O R D A V E C LACHEMI N ÉE...
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 Les modèles WF3peuvent être raccordésau conduit decheminée même lorsqued’autressystèmes y sont aussi raccordés. Lessystèmes au gaz doivent toujoursavoir leur propreconduitet aucunautre système ne doit s’y raccorder. C O N S E I L S D’UTILISATION...
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 C O M B U S T I B L E N’utilisez jamais deboistoxiquecommedes planchesd’aggloméré, duboispeint outraité. Utilisez toujoursdu bois sec. Le niveau desécheresse duboisjoueun rôle capital carlorsquele boisest humide, la combustioncoûte plus cheret il y a formation debistre.
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Dat kan zijn in devorm van een ventiel (het ventiel moet openstaan en over voldoende capaciteit beschikken als de haard brandt) of een verseluchtsysteem dat met de kachel is verbonden. Alle houtkachels van Westfire zijn voorzien van een rookkeerplaat, die ervoor zorgt dat de weg die de rook aflegt lang genoeg is.
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38%. Bij een nominaal warmtevermogen moet u telkens ongeveer 1 keer per uur brandstof bijvullen. WF37 kachels zijn berekend op verbranding met tussenpozen (er moet vaak hout worden toegevoegd en de haard is niet gemaakt voor continue verwarming gedurende 24 uur per dag).
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All manuals and user guides at WESTFIRE· WF37 van droogtevan het hout speelt een buitengewoon groterol, aangezien te nat hout de stookkosten verhoogt en er ook roetvorming kan ontstaan. Pas gehakt hout bevat 60–70% water, waardoor dit volkomen ongeschikt is om mee te stoken.
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E m n e : Brændeovn; WF 37 og WF 37 med sokkel R e k v i r e n t WESTFIRE ApS, Tømrervej 3, DK- DK-6800 Varde P r o c e d u r e Prøvning efter DS/EN13240/A2:2004 Prøvning efter NS3058-1, NS 3058-2 og NS3059 (partikelmåling)
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300 -ELAB -2187 -EN og 300 -ELAB -2187 -NS Emne: Brændeovn; WF 37 og WF 37 med sokkel Rekvi r ent : WESTFIRE ApS Tømrervej 3, DK-6800 Varde CVR nr.: 25807502 P-nr.: 1004754313 Procedure: Prøvning efter DS/EN13240/A2:2004 Prøvning efter NS3058-1 & -2 (partikelmåling) Emissionsmåling efter CEN/TS 15883 (støv og OGC)
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All manuals and user guides at FORHANDLER: WESTFIRE Uniq 37 manual 1 april 2016 T Ø M R E R V E J 3 | DK-6800 VARDE | TELEFON +45 7522 5352 | FAX+457522 1352 | WWW. W ESTFIRE. D K...