Setting up the accessories in zones
Every detector can be allocated to 4 different zone categories: Home Zone,
Delay Zone, Normal Zone and 24 Hour Zone. You can find instructions for
allocating a detector to a zone under "Troubleshooting" on page 108 (the
accessory is allocated to a zone when it is connected to the system).
Normal Zone
When the system is armed, the siren sounds when a sensor is triggered.
When the system is disarmed, the sensors do not trigger any alarms.
24 Hour Zone
In the case of sensors allocated to the 24 Hour Zone, an alarm can be trig-
gered when the system is either armed or disarmed. It is recommended that
you allocate smoke detectors, gas detectors and external light sensors to the
24 Hour Zone.
Delay Zone
In order to set up the functions for the entry and exit delays, the corre-
sponding sensors must be allocated to the Delay Zone. Once the delay time
has been set up, no alarm will be triggered during the specified time de-
lay. Follow the instructions under "Entry/Exit Delay" on page 95 for this
purpose. It is recommended that you allocate door/window contacts to the
Delay Zone.
Home Zone
If the system has been armed in Home Zone, the sensors allocated to the
Home Zone do not trigger any alarms. It is recommended that you allocate
motion sensors to the Home Zone so that the system can be armed in Home
Mode when you are at home and you can move about without triggering an
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