Pr mm.000
No action
Save parameter
Load file 1
Save to file 1
Load file 2
Save to file 2
Load file 3
Save to file 3
Show non-default
Reset 50Hz defs
Reset 60Hz defs
Reset modules
Download param.
Upload param.
Download CodeSys
Upload CodeSys
To know if a CodeSys program is already present in the drive, check Pr 11.048 that shows the
program status:
• Pr 11.048 = 0 : a program is present but stopped,
• Pr 11.048 = 1 : a program is present and running,
• Pr 11.048 = 3 : no program stored in the drive.
To run the CodeSys program, set Pr 11.047 = Run ; to stop the program, set Pr 11.047 = Stop.
4.2 - Upload/download procedures
Step-by-step procedures are detailed hereafter from a drive with default settings.
Before any parameter or program download, ensure the drive is disabled
(open terminal 8 or open terminals STO-1 and STO-2).
Installation and connections
5690 en - 2020.03 / c
Field RTC Keypad
Description of the function
Save drive parameters after modification
Do not use these functions with Commander ID300/302
or ID300K/302K
Displays parameters that have value different from default
Displays parameters that are set
Load parameters with standard (50 Hz) defaults
Load parameters with US (60 Hz) defaults
Reset all option modules
Downloads a parameter set from the Flash memory of the keypad
to the drive (destination)
Uploads a parameter set from a drive (source) to the Flash
memory of the keypad
Downloads the CodeSys program from the Flash memory of the
keypad to the drive (destination)
Uploads the CodeSys program from a drive (source) to the Flash
memory of the keypad
Deletes the CodeSys program in the drive (if present). It cannot be
deleted if the program is running. To stop the program, ensure
Pr 00.59 / 11.047 = Stop.
To set a value in Pr mm.000, press the 'Enter' button then press the
right navigation key, and use the up and down keys to set the value.