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Liens rapides

All instructions, warranties and other collateral documents are subject to change at the sole discretion of Horizon Hobby, LLC. For
up-to-date product literature, visit horizonhobby.com or towerhobbies.com and click on the support or resources tab for this product.
The following terms are used throughout the product literature to indicate various levels of potential harm when operating this product:
WARNING: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create the probability of property damage, collateral damage, and
serious injury OR create a high probability of superficial injury.
CAUTION: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create the probability of physical property damage AND a possibility
of serious injury.
NOTICE: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create a possibility of physical property damage AND a little or no
possibility of injury.
WARNING: Read the ENTIRE instruction manual to become familiar with the features of the product before operating.
Failure to operate the product correctly can result in damage to the product, personal property and cause serious injury.
This is a sophisticated hobby product. It must be operated with caution and common sense and requires some basic
mechanical ability. Failure to operate this Product in a safe and responsible manner could result in injury or damage to the
product or other property. This product is not intended for use by children without direct adult supervision. Do not attempt
disassembly, use with Incompatible components or augment product in any way without the approval of Horizon Hobby, LLC.
This manual contains instructions for safety, operation and maintenance. It is essential to read and follow all the instructions
and warnings in the manual, prior to assembly, setup or use, in order to operate correctly and avoid damage or serious injury.
WARNING AGAINST COUNTERFEIT PRODUCTS: Always purchase from a Horizon Hobby, LLC authorized dealer to ensure
authentic high-quality Spektrum product. Horizon Hobby, LLC disclaims all support and warranty with regards, but not limited
to, compatibility and performance of counterfeit products or products claiming compatibility with DSM or Spektrum technology.
Age Recommendation: Not for Children under 14 years. This is not a toy.
NOTICE: This product is only intended for use with unmanned, hobby-grade, remote-controlled vehicles. Horizon Hobby
disclaims all liability outside of the intended purpose and will not provide warranty service related thereto.
Visit www.spektrumrc.com/registration today to register your product.
• Always ensure all batteries have been properly charged
prior to using the model.
• Always check all servos and their connections prior to each run.
• Never operate your model near spectators, parking areas
or any other area that could result in injury to people or
damage of property.
• Never operate your model during adverse weather
conditions. Poor visibility can cause disorientation and
loss of control of your model.
Your new SRX300 Receiver has a special water-resistant
coating on the electronics to ensure reliable performance in
higher than average moisture conditions. This conformal coating
can offer mild protection from light drops of water.
• DO NOT submerge this product under water for any period
of time. If it is submerged, it may result in damage or loss of
• DO NOT pour water onto or allow excess water to come in
direct contact with the product.
• DO NOT operate this product in heavy rain or snow.
Meaning of Special Language
• Never point the transmitter antenna directly toward the
model. The radiation pattern from the tip of the antenna is
inherently low.
• If at any time during the operation of your model you
observe any erratic or abnormal operation, immediately
stop operation of your model until the cause of the
problem has been ascertained and corrected.
• DO NOT expose this product to salt water (ocean water or
water on salt-covered roads), contaminated or polluted water.
In case of excess exposure to water or debris, immediately
wipe down the SRX300 with a soft cloth, and allow it to fully
dry before next use.
NOTICE: Never use a pressure washer to clean your vehicle.
NOTICE: Make sure the other components in your vehicle are
waterproof or water-resistant before driving in wet conditions.



Sommaire des Matières pour Spektrum STX3

  • Page 1 WARNING AGAINST COUNTERFEIT PRODUCTS: Always purchase from a Horizon Hobby, LLC authorized dealer to ensure authentic high-quality Spektrum product. Horizon Hobby, LLC disclaims all support and warranty with regards, but not limited to, compatibility and performance of counterfeit products or products claiming compatibility with DSM or Spektrum technology.
  • Page 2 L. Channel 3 Buttons: Top and Bottom SRX300 RECEIVER Specifi cations Type: FHSS 2.4GHz protocol Dimensions (LxWxH): 35.8 x 23.6 x 14.3 mm) Antenna Length: 8.27 in Channels: 3 Weight: 8.8g Band: 2.4GHz Voltage Range: 3.5–9.6V SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 3 Binding is the process of programming the receiver to recognize the GUID (Globally Unique Identifi er) code of a single specifi c transmitter. The STX3 transmitter and SPMSRX300 receiver are bound at the factory. If you need to rebind, follow ™...
  • Page 4 Make sure your receiver antenna is in an antenna transmitter tube and is above the vehicle Charge batteries. Spektrum receivers require at least 3.5V to operate. An inadequate power supply Inadequate battery voltage The receiver quits can allow voltage to momentarily drop below 3.5V...
  • Page 5 2904 Research Rd North America (Product Technical Assistance) Champaign, Illinois, 61822 USA 877-504-0233 websales@horizonhobby.com Sales 800-338-4639 Horizon Technischer Service service@horizonhobby.eu Hanskampring 9 European Union D 22885 Barsbüttel, Germany Sales: Horizon Hobby GmbH +49 (0) 4121 2655 100 SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 6 For more information about where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city offi ce, your household waste disposal service or where you purchased the product. SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 7 WARNUNG ZU GEFÄLSCHTEN PRODUKTEN: Bitte kaufen Sie Ihre Spektrum Produkte immer von einem autorisiertem Händler um sicherzu stellen, dass Sie ein authentisches hochqualitatives original Spektrum Produkt gekauft haben. Horizon Hobby lehnt jede Unterstützung, Service oder Garantieleistung von gefälschten Produkten oder Produkten ab die von sich in Anspruch nehmen kompatibel mit Spektrum oder DSM zu sein.
  • Page 8 K. Steuerrad L. Wahltasten für Kanal 3: Oben und unten SRX300 EMPFÄNGER Spezifi kationen Typ: FHSS 2.4GHz protocol Abmessungen (LxWxH) 35.8 x 23.6 x 14.3 mm Antennenlänge: 210mm Kanäle: 3 Gewicht: 8.8g Band: 2.4GHz Betriebsspannung: 3.5–9.6V SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 9 Binden ist der Prozess der Programmierung des Empfänger mit dem eindeutigen Signal eines spezifi schen Senders (GUID). Ist der Empfänger an den Sender gebunden, wird nur er auf die Signale des Senders reagieren. Die STX3 und der SPMSRX300 sind ab Werk gebunden. Sollten Sie diese neu binden wollen folgen Sie bitte dieses Schritten.
  • Page 10 Beschädigungen oder Kürzungen Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Antenne im den Failsafemode Antenneröhrchen befi ndet und überhalb des Fahrzeuges ist Laden Sie die Akkus. Spektrum Empfänger benötigen mindestesn 3,5 Volt Betriebsspannung. Nicht ausreichende Akkuspannung Eine nicht ausreichende Stromversogung kann die Der Empfänger reagiert...
  • Page 11 Dies gilt auch für Garantiereparaturen. Deshalb 10/15 GARANTIE UND SERVICE KONTAKTINFORMATIONEN Land des Kauf Horizon Hobby Telefon/E-mail Adresse Adresse Horizon Technischer Service service@horizonhobby.de Hanskampring 9 Deutschland D 22885 Barsbüttel, Germany Sales: Horizon Hobby GmbH +49 (0) 4121 2655 100 SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 12 Gesundheit und die Umwelt geschützt werden. Weitere Informationen dazu, wo Sie unbrauchbare Geräte zum Recycling abgeben können, erhalten Sie bei lokalen Ämtern, bei der Müllabfuhr für Haushaltsmüll sowie dort, wo Sie das Produkt gekauft haben. SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 13 ATTENTION AUX CONTREFAÇONS: Toujours acheter chez un revendeur officiel Horizon hobby pour être sur d’avoir des produits authentiques. Horizon Hobby décline toute garantie et responsabilité concernant les produits de contrefaçon ou les produits se disant compatibles DSM ou Spektrum. 14 ans et plus. Ceci n’est pas un jouet.
  • Page 14 K. Volant L. Boutons du canal 3 : Supérieur et inférieur RÉCEPTEUR SRX300 Caractéristiques Type: Protocole FHSS 2,4GHz Dimensions (LxlxH): 35.8 x 23.6 x 14.3 mm Longueur de l’antenne: 210mm Voies: 3 Masse: 8.8g Fréquence: 2.4GHz Tension d’alimentation: 3.5–9.6V SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 15 L’affectation est le processus de programmation du récepteur à reconnaître le code GUID (Identifi ant unique) spécifi que à votre émetteur. La STX3 et le SPMSRX300 sont déjà affectés à l’usine. Si vous avez besoin de ré-effectuer l’affectation, suivez les étapes suivantes.
  • Page 16 Assurez-vous que l’antenne du récepteur se trouve de l’émetteur dans un tube d’antenne et au-dessus du véhicule Rechargez totalement les batteries. Les récepteurs Spektrum nécessitent un minimum de 3.5V pour Tension de la batterie trop faible fonctionner. Une alimentation insuffi sante, peut Le récepteur ne momentanément chuter en dessous de 3.5V, causant...
  • Page 17 Elle protège de plus le bien-être de la communauté humaine. Pour plus d’informations quant aux lieux d’éliminations des déchets d‘équipements électriques, vous pouvez contacter votre mairie ou le service local de traitement des ordures ménagères. SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 18 AVVERTENZA CONTRO PRODOTTI CONTRAFFATTI: Raccomandiamo di acquistare sempre da rivenditori autorizzati Horizon per essere sicuri di avere un prodotto originale di alta qualità. Horizon rifiuta qualsiasi tipo di assistenza in garanzia di prodotti contraffatti o che dichiarano compatibilità con DSM o Spektrum. Almeno 14 anni. Non è un giocattolo.
  • Page 19 L. Pulsanti 3 canali: Superiore e inferiore 2.4GHZ DIGITAL RADIO SYSTEM RICEVENTE SRX300 Caratteristiche Tipo: FHSS 2.4GHz protocol Dimensioni (LxLxA): 35.8 x 23.6 x 14.3 mm Lunghezza antenna: 210mm Canali: 3 Peso: 8.8g Banda: 2.4GHz Tensione di utilizzo: 3.5–9.6V SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 20 La connessione (binding) è la procedura che serve a programmare il ricevitore per fargli riconoscere il codice unico (GUID) del trasmettitore. Il trasmettitore STX3 e il ricevitore SPMSRX300 sono già connessi in fabbrica. Se fosse necessario rifare la connessione, procedere come segue.
  • Page 21 è adatto dal fatto che la richiesta si basa su un contratto o sulla agli scopi da lui previsti. garanzia. Inoltre la responsabilità di Horizon non supera mai SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 22 Con tale procedimento si aiuterà preservare l’ambiente e le risorse non verranno sprecate. In questo modo si proteggerà il benessere dell’umanità. Per maggiori informazioni sui punti di riciclaggio si prega di contattare il proprio uffi cio locale o il servizio di smaltimento rifi uti. SPEKTRUM STX3 USER GUIDE...
  • Page 24 © 2019 Horizon Hobby, LLC. DSM, DSM2, DSMR and the Horizon Hobby logo are registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, LLC. The Spektrum trademark is used with permission of Bachmann Industries, Inc. Created: 3/2019 SPMSTX300 60412...