1. working principle
The Midiflotor is a small inside protein skimmer for aquaria up to 400 l volume. It is
Characterised by the double reaction pipe, that makes him a real counter flow skimmer.
The air bubbles rise in the inner pipe. Like an air lift, they take a high volume of water with them.
This water is forced to flow douwnwards in the outer pipe. The air bubbles follow the water stream
downwards, until they reach the expansion cone. At this point the air bubbles turn and rise in the
counter current upwards. This ensures a very high detention time of the bubbles in the water.
The Midiflotor is supplied with a strong holding plate, that allows a secure fastening of the
skimmer at the wall of the tank. The holding system allows to move the skimmer up and down and
to adjust the foam building zone correctly.
In addition, the holding plate leaves the space for a redox electrode, if ozone is used.
The Midiflotor is delivered completely with an air stone. For starting you only need an additional
air pump (app 200 – 300 l/h).
2. Theory
Protein skimming is a physical method of water treatment. It uses a common and well known
phenomen: the adheseion of surfaxe actice subtances to air – liquid layers. If you drop some oil on
a water surface, it forms a thin film, only as thick as one molecule. Surface active subtances e.g.
proteins behave similar. In the Midiflotor, a huge water surface is created, where the waste
subtances attach. If the bubbles reach the surface, a stable foam is created,where the organic
wastes are accumulated and removed from the water.
The work effective, the Midiflotor needs a contact columm, where water and air can react. Theair
is injected inti the water with an air pump and an air stone.
3. Parts of the Midiflotor
The Midiflotor consists from the following parts:
1. Lid for Foamcup
2. Foamcup
3. Holding
4. Reactionspipe
5. Airstone
6. Airtube
7. Innertube
8. Clamps
9. Screws
10. /11. Holdingplate
4. Dimensions:
Total length, including foam collection jar app 65 cm
Diameter of the reaction vessel 75 mm