direction of the spindle.
B. Red LED pos.16 - indicates the actuation of
the torque control regulator:
- Constant glow: maximum torque has been
achieved by regulator 13, the spindle halts rota-
- Blinking glow with frequence f=1Hz: the ma-
chine is supplied from the mains, after mains
drop-out for more than 0,2s.
To restore normal operation it is necessary in
both cases to first switch off and then switch on
the power tool by the ON/OFF switch pos.10.
▪ Drilling in metal, wood, etc. The switch 4 is in
its extreme right position the symbol "drill bit"
being exposed.
▪ Drilling in concrete, stone, etc. The ON/OFF
switch 4 is in its extreme left position and the
symbol "hammer" is exposed.
Switching the operation modes can be perfor-
med while the machine is operated.
Through turning the collar of the chuck 1 clock-
wise or anti-clockwise the jaws are positio ned
so the drill bit shank can be inserted inside the
choke. By turning the collar of chuck 1 anti-
clockwise (looking towards the chuck) the jaws
tighten the drill bit shank. Fix the drill bit finally
in the chuck by means of the special chuck key,
tightening equally in all three bores.
All models are equipped with protective clutch.
An audible click is heard upon actuating the
clutch and the spindle halts or barely rotates.
To achieve extended durability and reliability of
the protective clutch, decrease the load after
clutch actuation. Upon this event the clutch will
return to its normal position (the specific noise
will disappear) and the operator can resume
WARNING: Use only drill bits with
proper diameter, not excee ding the specified
in the name plate for the corres ponding speed,
to avoid excessive actuating the protective
BUR2 350CET)
Tighten the corresponding accessory for screw-
ing/unscrewing bolts, nuts or screws into the
chuck 1 as described above. Set the operation
mode selector switch 4 in its rightmost position
or turn it until the drill bit symbol is entirely ex-
posed. Select the rotation direction necessary
(screwing/unscrewing) by lever 8. These opera-
tions must be carried out only at a low rpm.
WARNING: In case of screwing/
unscrewing long bolts and screws there is a
danger of slipping the drill.
WARNING: Do not overload the
machine while operating it at left rotation
direction. There is a danger of tearing the
secu ring screw and unwinding the chuck
(BUR2 350E, BUR2 350CET).
Mounting the chuck
Wind up chuck 1 onto the spindle completely.
Grip the spin dle with S17 open-end spanner on
place 2. Insert the special key for chuck tight-
ening in one of the three bores and fasten the
chuck using the key as a lever. Open the chuck
jaws completely, place the left threaded secur-
ing screw 17 (BUR2 350E, BUR2 350CET) and
fasten it by S5 hex bit.
Dismounting the chuck
Open the chuck jaws completely. Unscrew the
left threaded securing screw 17 (BUR2 350E,
BUR2 350CET) using S5 hex bit. Grip the spin-
dle with S17 open-end spanner on place 2. In-
sert the special key for chuck tightening in one
of the three bores and rotating clockwise (look-
BU2 350 ● BUR2 350E ● BUR2 350CET