Warmest congratulations on your new Multiplex Extra 300-S.
The full-size Extra 300 S is a single-seat aerobatic aircraft
with a wingspan of 7.5 m, powered by a Lycoming six-
cylinder opposed engine generating 300 BHP. It is a very
popular aircraft, widely fl own in aerobatic competitions,
airshows and air-races.
Our ELAPOR® model is of manageable size, and offers
a superb aerobatic perfor-mance as well as looking great.
The machine's lines are very accurate, and it features
numerous details such as dummy rivets and exhausts, a
detailed cockpit interior and a scale colour scheme. The
Extra 300 S is primarily designed for the classic aerobatic
schedule, but also copes very well with 3D fl ying. Competent
pilots will thoroughly enjoy positive and negative fl ick-rolls,
knife-edge fl ight and fl ips. The 4S power system provides
enor-mous power and stunning vertical climbing ability.
- Outstanding aerobatic characteristics
- Scale appearance: original colour scheme, clear canopy
and numerous details
- All control surfaces attached with recessed "knuckle"
hinge lines
- Detachable wing and tail panels
- Flight time approx. 7 min (4S ~2600 mAh)
You will need the following tools to complete the model:
Small cross-point screwdriver
Large cross-point screwdriver
Allen key, 1.5 mm A/F
Pointed-nose pliers
13 mm A/F open-ended spanner
Thread-lock fl uid
Zacki Elapor
Please check that your kit contains all the components
as stated in the Parts List on page 13.
1. Attaching the undercarriage:
Place the undercarriage 6 in the recess in the fuselage 3
and secure it with the four cross-point self-tapping screws
20 (3 x 20 mm). Do not over-tighten the screws.
2. Attaching the tail panels:
Place the tailplane 7 on the fuselage 3, engaging the guide
lugs, and secure it by fi tting the countersunk cross-point
screw 21 (M4 x 42 mm) from above. Tighten the screw
using a large cross-point screwdriver; take care not to
over-tighten it.
The next step is to connect the elevator servo to the elevator
horn: fi rst use your transmitter to set the servo to centre
(neutral), then thread the pre-formed end of the pushrod
22 (1.5 x 135 mm) through the centre hole of the elevator
horn. Slip the plain end of the pushrod through the barrel
of the swivel connector mounted on the servo output arm,
and tighten the M3 x 3 mm grubscrew using a 1.5 mm A/F
allen key.
Seite 12
Now insert the fi n 8 in the slot in the tailplane 7 from above,
and fi t the two cross-point self-tapping screws 23 (2.6 x 12
mm) to secure it.
Engage the rudder 9 in the two hinge lugs attached to the
fi n 8; you should hear a distinct click. The rudder can now
be connected to the servo, using the same procedure as
described for the elevator.
Connect the hooked end of the springs24 to the lugs in the
bottom of the rudder, then slip the plain ends through the
swivel connectors on the tailwheel steering lever. Apply
a drop of thread-lock fl uid or Zacki to prevent the screws
working loose. Ensure that the tailwheel is parallel to the
rudder before tightening the screws.
3. Installing the motor and cowl:
The cowl 5 is held in place on the fuselage by means of two
magnets. Withdraw the cowl, and check that the motor retai-
ning screws are tight, then replace the cowl on the fuselage.
4. Attaching the propeller and spinner:
The propeller 13 must be balanced before you proceed
any further.
We recommend our propeller balancer, # 33 2355, for this.
Prepare the propeller assembly - propeller driver 16, taper
collet 17, spinner backplate 14, propeller 13, washer 18 and
nut 19 - and fi t it on the motor shaft.
Tighten the propeller nut fi rmly using an open-ended 13 mm
A/F spanner, then turn the propeller by hand to check that
the spinner backplate is running true.
Apply a drop of thread-lock fl uid to the M3 internal thread
of the propeller driver, and fi t the spinner cap 15.
Carefully tighten the central spinner screw 25 (M3 x 45 mm),
then check that the spinner still runs true. If the spinner cap
is out of line, try loosening the central screw slightly; alter-
natively remove the spinner cap, turn it through 120° and
try again. Continue until the spinner runs absolutely true.
5. Attaching the wing panels:
Remove the battery hatch cover 4 to provide an unobstruc-
ted view of the interior of the fuselage.
Now slide the CFRP wing joiner tube 12 (8 mm) into one
wing panel, and fi t this assembly into the recess in the
fuselage, threading the servo lead through the appropriate
opening. Now fi t the second wing panel onto the joiner tube
and into the fuselage. Check that the servo leads of both
wing panels run through the openings in the fuselage. The
two wing panels can now be secured against the fuselage
by fi tting the wing screws 26 (M4 x 80 mm).