Some faults require a "hardware" reset. Then the "Put in operation" menu must be used and the procedure followed.
The fault to be cleared must be selected and the required buttons actuated.
The faults concerned are uncontrolled movement of the car, resetting the reduced reserves, resetting the governor,
locking the governor, etc.
At any moment, you can archive the data from your board to an SD card.
The "restore" menu lets you save, delete or recall a configuration.
This saving also allows you to copy and paste the parameters from one installation to another one.
Displays the list of
existing saved data
Displays the action to
be taken on the selected
saved data.
Menu "restore all parameters" permit to have only parameters.
Menu "restore all" permit to have parameters, settings values and learning values
Restore points are always created on the SD card. It is possible to move them on to the USB key via the "manage
restore points" menu.
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