The N and L port is the power supply interface of the 100-240V~50/60Hz gate
The VCC and GND port is the power supply interface of the DC 5-24V gate
Only one power input can be chosen between the 100-240V~50/60Hz and the
DC 5-24V.
(6) After finishing the wiring, buckle the outer shell and the panel together.
3.1.5 Disassembly
3.2 Commissioning
3.2.1 Set Master Indoor Unit
Under Off status, long press MODE button for 5s to set the corresponding indoor
unit of wired controller as master indoor unit. "MASTER" icon will be light after finishing
① If there is a master indoor unit in a system, other slave indoor units can be set
as master unit, in which case, the original master unit will become a slave unit.
② In one system, only one set of master indoor unit is allowed. If system detects
that there are several master units, it will designate the unit with the smallest
project number as a master unit.
3.2.2 Parameter Enquiry
Unit parameters can be checked in unit On or Off status.
(1) Long press "FUNCTION" button for 5s to enter the interface of viewing unit
parameters. "C00" is displayed in temperature zone and "CHECK" icon is
Fig. 3.15 Disassembly diagram of wired controller
Wired Controller XK79