Cleaning, maintenance and repairs
Carry out the specified work for cleaning, maintenance and re-
pairs at the specified intervals.
Any mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic residual energies pre-
sent can initiate unintended movements of the special tool.
Note the presence of residual energies in the special tool for
maintenance and repair work. Warning signs identify compo-
nents with residual energies. Detailed information can be found
in the respective chapters of this operating manual.
Secure all operating media such as hydraulic oil and com-
pressed air against unintended start-up.
Check the tightness of bolts and nuts regularly. Tighten loosened
bolts and nuts.
Check whether threaded connections loosened for cleaning,
maintenance and repairs have been tightened again.
Check the function of safety devices and protective equipment
after completion of the maintenance work.
Dispose of oils, greases and filters properly.
Handle and dispose of substances and materials used for clean-
ing the special tool properly, particularly:
for work on lubrication systems and equipment,
when cleaning with solvents.
Spare parts must comply at least with the specified technical
requirements of the manufacturer. This is always the case when
original parts are used.
Observe the intervals for the maintenance of wear parts.