7.1 RDM - What is it?
Remote Device Management is a protocol that sits on top of the normal DMX512 data standard.
DMX512 is a uni-directional protocol which means that the data flows in one direction – from the control
desk to the lights.
With the addition of RDM, the DMX512 system becomes a bi-directional (half-duplex) system.
The controller is able to send out a question to devices on the wire, which can then respond with an
answer. The messages within the protocol cover all the everyday tasks a lighting system manager
incurs – setting DMX addresses, modes and other configuration tasks, plus monitoring sensors, usage,
status messages and fault finding.Think of an RDM transaction as a conversation – the lighting desk
says 'tell me your DMX address' and the fixture responds with 'my address is 032' . This is known as a GET
command. Next the controller can send a SET command, such as 'set your DMX address to 065' , and
the fixture can respond to acknowledge this change. In this way, through GET and SET commands and
responses, the RDM protocol allows a control desk to modify and monitor the DMX system in ways never
possible before.
7.2 RDM requirements
To use all MERLIN RDM functions, your device must be normalized: ANSI E1.20 - 2010 ( & if possible)
ANSI E1.37 - 1
7.3 RDM function list :
00 01
00 02
00 03
00 15
00 20
00 30
00 31
00 32
00 50
00 51
00 60
00 70
00 80
00 81
00 82
00 90
00 C0
00 E0
00 F0
01 20
01 21
01 22
Discovery Unique Branch
Discovery Mute
Discovery Unmute
Communication Status
Queued Message
Status Messages
Status ID Description
Clear Status ID
Supported Parameters
Parameter Description
Device Info
Product Detail ID List
Device Model Description
Manufacturer Label
Device Label
Factory Defaults
Software Version Label
DMX512 Personality
DMX512 Personality Description
DMX512 Starting Address
Slot Info
Slot Description
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