VL701S (7 Button) VS514SZ - TOPSIDE CONTROL EXPLANATION (Models: Niagara, Alberta,Victoria)
Temp Set (80 °F - 104 °F /26 °C - 40 °C)
The start-up temperature is set at 100 °F (37.5 °C). The last measured
temperature is constantly displayed on the LCD.
Note that the last measured spa temperature displayed is current
only when pump 1 (Jets 1) has been running for at least 2 minutes.
Press the "Warm " or "Cool " button to display and adjust the set
temperature. After three seconds,the LCD will automatically display the
last measured spa temperature.
Touch the "Jets 1"button once to activate the low speed of pump 1 and
again for the high speed. Press the "Jets 1" button again to turn off pump
1. If left running, the pump's low speed will automatically turn off after
4 hours, and the pump's high speed will automatically turn off after 15
minutes. The pumps low speed runs when the spa is heating,when a filter
cycle is activated, or when a freezing condition is detected. When the low
speed turns on automatically, it cannot be deactivated from the panel;
however, the high speed may be started.
Touch the "Jets 2"button once to turn pump 2 on or off, and to shift
between low and high speeds if it is a two speed pump. If left running,
pump 2 will automatically turn off after 15 minutes.
Note: Either pump can also be activated by an optional auxiliary
control button.
Press the "Light"button to turn the spa light on and off. If left on, the light
automatically turns off after 4 hours. By pressing the light button again
the light sequence will change.
To change the light effect sequence: Press the light button on then
off, then immediately press the button again (within 5 seconds) to
allow you to select another lighting effect (i.e flashing, intermittent,
fading) repeat sequence until desired lighting effect is achieved.
This button turns the blower on and off. The blower automatically turns off
after 15 minutes.
Press this button to switch between Standard, Economy, and Sleep Modes.
• Standard Mode ("Std") is programmed to maintain the desired
temperature. Note that the last measured spa temperature displayed is
current only when pump 1 has been running for at least 2 minutes.
'STd' will be displayed momentarily when you switch into Standard
• Economy Mode ("Ecn") heats the spa to the set temperature only
during filter cycles."Ecn" will display solid when temperature is not
current,and will alternate with temperature when temperature is
Spa operation - VL701S Control Pad
Owners Manual
• Sleep Mode ("SLP") heats the spa to within approx 20 °F (10 °C) of
the set temperature only during filter cycles."SLP" will dis-play
solid when temperature is not current,and will alternate with
temperature when temperature is current.
1. Press "Warm" to select "Standard"
2. Press "Warm" again to select "Economy"
3. Press "Warm" again to select "Sleep"
The first filter cycle begins 6 minutes after the spa is energized. The
second filter cycle begins 12 hours later. Filter duration is programmable
for 2, 4, 6, 8 hours or for continuous filtration (indicated by "FILC").The
default filter time is 2 hours. To program, press "Warm"or "Cool", then
"Jets 1." Press "Warm" or "Cool"to adjust. Press "Jets 1" to exit
programming. Pump 2 purges for 5 minutes and the blower purges for
30 seconds at the beginning of each filter cycle. The low speed of pump 1
runs during filtration and the ozone sterilizer (if installed) will be enabled.
If the temperature sensors detect a drop to approximately 44°F (6.7 °C)
within the heater, then the pump and the blower will automatically activate
to provide freeze protection. The equipment stays on until 4 minutes after
the sensors detect that the spa temperature has risen to approx 45 °F
(7.2 °C) or higher. In colder climates, an optional additional freeze sensor
may be added to protect against freeze conditions that may not be sensed
by the standard sensors. Auxiliary freeze sensor protection acts similarly
except with the temperature thresholds determined by the switch and
without a 4-minute delay in turn off. See your dealer for details.
If your system is equipped with a circ pump, it may be configured to
work in one of three different ways:
1) The circ pump operates continuously (24 hours) with the
exception of turning off for 30 minutes at a time when the water
temperature reaches 1.5°C (3°F) above the set temperature
(most likely to happen in very hot climates).
2) The circ pump stays on continuously, regardless of water
3) The circ pump will come on when the system is checking
temperature (polling), during filter cycles, during freeze conditions,
or when another pump is on.
Phone Plug RJ Type,
VL/GS Connector