The setting "Unit" menu provides the language
(D, GB /USA, F, ES, IT), date, clock (12 /24 h
mode) and various volume settings.
Please refer to Chapter 7.3 "Beep summary" for
a summary of the acoustic signals. You will find
information on the setting principle at the start
of this chapter.
In the sub menu setting you can personalize the
ONYX FIT using the my name function. In sleep
mode the watch displays the name or any font
of up to 8 characters in length.
You can set up a training program in your
ONYX FIT. This training program by default
has a warm-up, work out with a settable
training zone and a cool-down period.
In the settings menu you can manually set the
time and heart rate for all 3 phases (warm-up,
workout and cool-down) manually according to
your own requirements.
Note: If the warm-up and cool-down are set
to "0" the training starts immediately with the
workout and ends afterwards.