May not be used in potentially explosive areas.
Can cause an explosion or serious injuries.
Must be installed by a specialised company in accordance with local industrial
health and safety regulations.
Installation outside the defined EX protection zone.
Escaping, liquid operating media:
• are hazardous for water
• are inflammable category 3 liquids
• can ignite and cause burning
• can cause injury through people falling or slipping
Capture operating media during maintenance work.
Operating media
• Diesel fuel
• Waste oil
• Urea solution
You will find a list of operating media with descriptions, the relevant
standards and the country in which they are used in the Internet at
Place of operation
May not be used in potentially explosive areas.
Can cause an explosion or serious injuries.
• type BC-1-1, type BC-1-3, type BC-1-4, with protection type IP30, in dry and protected
• type BC-1-2, with protection type IP65, indoors and outdoors, if protected against the
• if the probe is used outdoors, it must be protected with suitable means against penetrating
humidity (e.g. with shrinking tube attached)
pull the protection over the cable and approx. 1cm over the probe and shrink it. The
marking line and the value for Z must be visible
Use in areas prone to flooding and risk areas
Damage to the product from flooding
Suitable for installation in areas at risk of flooding only to 10m water height.
Replace the product after flooding.
• Fuel oil
• Heavy heating oil
• Industrial oil
• Vegetable oil
Overfill prevention divice type BC-1
• Water or oil-water mixtures
• Liquid fertiliser (AHL, ASL, HAS)
• JGS (liquid manure, semi-liquid manure
and silage effluent)
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