is defined as audiometric thresholds greater than or equal to
90 dB HL. The Naída CI M90 sound processor is a behind
the ear (BTE) sound processor which works together with
the implant to bypass the damaged part of the inner ear and
converts sound picked up by the microphone or streamed via
wireless communication into electrical signals that are used
by the cochlear implant to enable hearing. The Naída CI M90
is the premium version with full access to multiple automatic
programs and features, including bimodal and bilateral and
supports compatibility with acoustic amplification.
Intended Users
The intended users of the Naída CI M90 sound processor
are recipients of Advanced Bionics cochlear implants, their
caregivers if applicable, and hearing care professionals.
The recipient, or their caregiver, should, at a minimum,
be capable of changing the battery, connecting the
earhook, placing and removing the sound processor from
their ear, and placing and removing the headpiece from
the implant site.
The hearing care professional should be trained in the use
and fitting of the cochlear implant system.
Intended Use Environment
The intended use environments of the Naída CI M90 sound
processor are healthcare and daily living environments.
The Naída CI M90 sound processor is designed to be worn
daily during the user's normal waking hours.