Siting/Installation - Wilo IPH-O/W Mode D'emploi

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  • FR

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  • FRANÇAIS, page 18
pipe-mounted, provided that the pipework is sufficiently
supported by the building struc ture. The shaft is sea-
led by a mechnical seal suitable for fluid temperatures
up to 210°C (H-W)/350° (H-O). It is air-cooled by means
of the finned casing of the housing cover plate.
4.2 Scope of Supply
– Pump, complete,
– Installation and Operating Instruc tions.
– Flanges and counterflanges.

5. Siting/Installation

5.1 Installation
– Install pump only after all weld ing/soldering on the
pipe system is completed and the pipe system has
been flushed out thoroughly to be clear of foreign
matter and im purities as these may cause da mage
to the pump.
– Install pump in an adequately ventilated room.
– Mount pump in an easily accessible position in
order to facilitate later inspection and exchange.
– 30 cm minimum clearance between a wall and the
motor fan grill.
– To facilitate handling of the pump for maintenance
or repairs it is recommended to provide a lifting
hook or eyebolt of sufficient carrying capacity (total
weight of pump: see catalogue/data sheet) verti-
cally above the pump to take the respective lifting
– To avoid draining and refilling the whole of the pipe
system on ex change of pump it is recommended
to provide and install isolating valves at suction and
discharge ports of the pump.
– Provide and install a drain cock between the lower
isolating valve and pump in order to allow draining
the pump prior to disassembly.
– Install pump in such a way that it is not stressed by
the pipework.
– Any mounting position is permissible exept "motor
facing downwards/upwards" (Mounting positions
see Fig. 2).
– The motor terminal box must not face downwards
to avoid possible moisture entry. If necessary, the
pump head can be rotated until the terminal box
faces upwards after undoing the housing screws.
This ensures at the same time that one of the
vent plugs (Fig.1, Item 441h) is in the uppermost
Take care not to da mage the hou-
s ing gasket.
– The arrow on the pump housing indicates direction
of flow.
Thermal insulation of pump, if
applied, must be restricted to the
pump housing only. Do not insu late
motor or spacer adaptor.
– The spacer flange, motor side, has two opposite
holes (Fig. 1 pos 365u) which allow (according to
the group mounting) detecting any possible leaks
due to the accidental deterioration of the mecha -
nical seal. It's not be allowed to block the holes
(remove the plugs); in case of installation an obvious
outlet must be planned.
5.2 Electrical Wiring
Electrical work to be carried out by quali-
fied and licensed electricians in strict con-
formity to ruling national conditions and
local regulations.
– All wiring and external switchgear to comply with
ruling local regulations (use of conduits and all-pole
switches in accordance with the latest edition of
IEE wiring regula tions).
– In order to preserve protection against moisture
entry and to en sure a firm gland grip the mains
ca ble must have an sufficiently lar ge outside
– Heat-resisting cable must be used if the pump is
installed in systems with water temperatures above
– Cable leads to be routed in such a way to avoid
any contact with pipe work and/or pump or stator
– Check available power supply and voltage.
– Observe pump name plate data.
– Mains power fuses: depending on motor full load
current and the starting mode.
– Observe locally ruling earthing regulations.
– For electric wiring see Fig. 3, wiring diagram in
terminal box cover may also be referred to.
– It is recommended to provide and install a motor
protection switch.
Setting the motor protection switch:
DOL-starting: Set to FLC value as per motor name
Star/delta starting: If the protection switch is wired
in the power supply to the star/delta contactor


Table des Matières

Table des Matières