Report prepared for: Guillaume Thibodeau-Fortin (Stove Builder International Inc.) on 4/30/2018 7:18:14 AM
Test report 103328128MTL-001 (8 of 18)
Stove Builder International Inc.
Project No. G103328128
Pre-load (high burn): 14 lbs
When there is coal bed of 1.5 lb left, break ashes and level coal bed, then add pre-load in an East-West
configuration divided in 2 columns: 2 logs in the back and 2 logs in the front. Leave one inch of air space between
the columns. Let the door ajar to leave a space of one inch on the door handle's side for five minutes. Close the
door and let burn until the weight is down to target.
Close the primary air control at the targeted burn rate when there is 3.5 lb remaining. When the average stove
temperature gets to 330°F, stir the coal bed. Let the door ajar by one inch for one minute. There should be
approximately 2 lb of coal bed and the average temperature should be around 325°F.
Loading: 17.5 lbs
For the loading, put 1 log at the back, 2 in the center and 2 in the front. The distance between the logs shall be
approximately 0.5 inch. Let the door ajar for 6 minutes and then close the door with the primary air control open.
Close the air control halfway at 10 minutes. Close the primary air control at targeted burn rate (¼ inch open) at 16
minutes or when 15% of the load weight has been consumed, whichever comes first. Start the fan at a medium
speed at 30 minutes.
RUN #3 Medium burn rate
Note: For this test run, according to WK47329-14, the sampling starts as soon as the kindling is ignited (cold start).
Stove lighting: 6.5 lbs
Split the start-up fuel log into 6 pieces. Crisscross the 6 pieces on the brick, leaving some space between each
wood piece. Crisscross the kindling on the top of the start-up fuel. The kindling is made of between 8-10 twigs that
are 10% of moisture content. Place crumbled newspaper on top kindling (5 full sheets). Light up the paper and let
the door ajar to leave a space of one inch on the door handle's side for five minutes, then close the door. The fan is
always OFF.
High burn: 14 lbs
When there is coal bed of 1.5 lb left, break ashes and level coal bed, then add pre-load in an East-West
configuration divided in 2 columns: 2 logs in the back and 2 logs in the front. Leave one inch of air space between
the columns. Let the door ajar to leave a space of one inch on the door handle's side for five minutes. Close the
door. Start the fan at full speed.
Since the burn rate was smaller than the low burn rate, probably due to fallen logs during the test run, this test
was rerun.
Stove Builder International Inc. | 43615 | Rev: Apr 27 2018 2:35PM | Uncontrolled Copy
Date: December 27, 2017
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