H High pressure pressostat
This pressostat has a safety function. It is connected on the
compressor discharge pipe and controls the high pressure.
In heating mode : if the pressure overpasses the setting value,
the regulation setting is decreased by 1K, with display on the
MRS5.1 (flashing point on the right of the display panel). After 5
HP overpassings (therefore 5 degradations of the setting)
within 24 hours, the unit stops. The fault is signalled on the dis-
play panel (fault D6.1) and a manual acquittal is necessary (the
fault was probably caused by a water flow fault).
In cooling mode : if the measured value overpasses the setting,
the unit stops and the fault is shown on the display panel (fault
D.6.0). The manual acquittal is only required if 5 faults occurred
within 24 hours (fault D6.2).
Start : 28 bar
Trip : 23 bar
Automatic reset thermostat.
H B2 plate exchanger antifrost sensor – water side
This sensor has a safety role. It is located on the exchanger
water side pipe and controls the temperature.
If the temperature goes down below the MRS5.1 setting value,
the compressor stops and it is displayed on the MRS5.1 display
panel (fault D3.2).
H Water flow controller by FS differential pressure
This device has a safety function. It is mounted on the pipe
between the exchanger water inlet and outlet and controls the
correct water flow.
If the flow is insufficient, a supply cut occurs, with display on the
MRS5.1 display panel (fault D2.2).
Start (mbars)
Trip (mbars)
H Hydraulic module antifrost heater
The ILZHE are units designed for all year around operation,
with an antifrost protection of the hydraulic module. An electri-
cal heater maintains the temperature above + 2°C inside the
hydraulic module.
Important : the electrical panel must be constantly under volt-
age so that the antifrost function be ensured. All the precau-
tions must be taken for avoiding an accidental cut of the electri-
cal supply
22 to 90
H Immersed electrodes BS safety thermostat
This device has a safety function. The contact opens when the
water temperature in the tank goes above 78°C. This thermo-
stat is manual reset type, and is located at the upper left side of
the electrical panel.
H Internal protection of compressor motor assembly
The compressor is equipped with an internal protection which
acts as a safety device and protects the electrical motor against
overheating. A sensor positioned at the compressor outlet also
controls the discharge temperature (B7). In case of fault, the
compressor stops and it is displayed on the MRS5.1 card dis-
play panel (fault D1.0). The manual acquittal is only necessary
if the fault occurs more than 5 times within 24 hours (fault D6.1in
cooling and D6.2 in heating) but the discharge temperature
must have gone down 10°C below the limit.
H Refrigerant fluid sensor/exchanger B5
This sensor has a safety function for the plate heat exchanger.
It is positioned at the exchanger outlet (refrigerant fluid side)
and controls the refrigerant fluid temperature (active function in
cooling mode only).
If the sensor detects a temperature below – 2°C during one min-
ute, the unit stops for 6 minutes with display on the MRS5.1 card
display panel (fault D4.0).
If the temperature has not risen above 8°C during these 6 min-
utes, the unit goes to fault level 2 (D4.2). The manual acquittal
is then required and only possible if the temperature goes
above 8°C.
H Wiring liaison fault
The sensor type connections, MCAD5 and Climbox 2 con-
nected to the MRS5.1 are surveyed. In case of a cut (open cir-
cuit) or short cycling, the MRS5.1 signals it on its display panel.
Location of sensors
(simplified refrigerant circuit) :
H Hydraulic circuit anti-frost protection
This protection is ensured by the electrical auxiliary devices. It
allows maintaining the temperature of the water loop above :
+ 6°C for installations with fan coil units
+ 16°C for heating/cooling floor installations.
This function has a priority in relation to shedding. Only faults
d2.2, d2.0 and D9.6.2. can cancel this function.