compression garment then has a usage period of 6 months.
The usage period depends on correct handling (e.g. care,
donning and doffing) and normal use of the products. The
usage period of the medical product is printed on the box
with an hourglass symbol. Custom-made products are for
immediate use. Body measurements may change based
on the patient's condition and individual circumstances.
Custom-made products are therefore designed for a usage
period of 6 months. After the 6-month usage period, body
measurements must be re-checked by a medical specialist.
In the event of significant changes in measurements of the
body part that is being treated (e.g. based on therapeutic
success, weight change), re-measurement and supply of a
new product may be required earlier, before the 6-month
usage period comes to an end.
Chronic venous diseases:
Venous malformations
Thromboembolic venous diseases:
Superficial venous thrombosis, condition after thrombosis,
post-thrombotic syndrome
Lymphoedema, post-traumatic oedema, post-operative
oedema, post-operative reperfusion oedema, cyclic idio-
pathic oedema, lipoedema, congestion due to immobility
(paresis and partial paresis of the limb), oedema due to
medication if no change is possible
Following burns and for scar treatment, we recommend
using our special scar therapy products.
Absolute contraindications
Advanced peripheral arterial disease (if one of these param-
eters applies: ABPI < 0.5, ankle artery pressure < 60 mmHg,
toe pressure < 30 mmHg or TcPO2 < 20 mmHg instep).
Decompensated heart failure (NYHA III + IV), septic phlebitis,
phlegmasia cerulea dolens, acute bacterial, viral or allergic in-
flammation, swelling of the extremities for unknown reasons.
Relative contraindications
Pronounced weeping dermatoses, intolerance to pressure
or of any of the components of the product, severe sensory
disorders of the extremities, advanced peripheral neurop-
athy (e.g. diabetes mellitus), primary chronic polyarthritis,
peripheral arterial disease (PAD) stage I / II, malignant
If there are open wounds in the area to be treated, the affect-
ed area must be covered with an appropriate wound dressing
or bandage before the compression garment can be applied.
Liability for failure to comply with these contraindications
cannot be accepted by the Julius Zorn GmbH Group.
Side effects
There are no known side effects when using this product
correctly. However, if you notice any adverse changes (e.g.
irritation of the skin) during the prescribed use, please
consult your doctor or medical retailer immediately. If you
know that you are allergic to one or more of the product
ingredients, please consult your doctor before using the
product. If your symptoms worsen during the time you are
wearing the product, please take off the product and consult
a medical specialist immediately. The manufacturer does
not accept any liability for damage / injuries resulting from
improper use or misuse.
In the case of complaints related to this product, such as
damage to the knitted fabric or problems with the fit, please
contact the medical retailer directly. Only serious incidents
that may lead to a major deterioration of the patient's
medical condition or to death should be reported to the
manufacturer and the relevant authority in the Member
State. Serious incidents are defined in Article 2 (65) Regula-
tion (EU) 2017 / 745 (MDR).
As a rule, the product is to be destroyed via the conventional
disposal route after the end of use. Please observe the
applicable local / national regulations.
Additional information for products containing silver
As silver can deduct heat and electricity, please avoid the
direct contact with electric sources. Juzo Expert Silver /
Juzo Expert Strong Silver should not come in contact with
metals (e.g. metal clothes hangers) when the textile is wet.
The worked in silver could be discoloured thereby.
Additional information about the Dip Dye Collection
Juzo Compression Stockings and Compression Sleeves in
Dip Dye design are unique products. The colour gradient
of the individual items is unique and cannot be reproduced
exactly. Owing to the manufacturing process, slight colour
variations are possible.
Additional information about the Batik Collection
Juzo compression stockings, compression pantyhose and