Advance the lead further through the introducer sheath until visual marker C is aligned with the introducer
sheath handle while holding the introducer sheath in place. Use fluoroscopy to confirm that the distal tip of
the sheath is proximal to the electrodes (Figure 16).
Figure 15: Insert the lead through the introducer sheath
Marker B
Figure 16. Advance the lead into the introducer sheath to expose the electrodes.
10. Connect the tined lead test stimulation cable to the lead (Figure 17). Using the CP, ensure electrical
connections are made with all 4 contacts.
Figure 16: Push Lead in until Marker C reaches the top of the Sheath
Figure 17.Connect the lead stimulation cable to the tined lead.
11. Test the tined lead placement by stimulating and observing patient motor and/or sensory responses (Table 2).
If necessary, reposition the lead within the foramen if optimal responses are not obtained. If repositioning the
Figure 17: Connect the lead to the Lead Test Stimulation Cable
lead using the curved stylet, retract the lead so the electrodes are in the introducer sheath before rotating the
curved stylet, then reintroduce the electrodes into the tissue
• For instructions on how to use the CP and EMG for test stimulation of the tined lead placement, refer to the
Clinician Programmer Manual.
Figure 15. Insert the lead through the introducer sheath.
to expose the electrodes to the tissue
Stop at
Marker B
Stop at
Marker C