A. Disposal of packaging materials
Materials with the symbol
➢ PE => polyethylene
➢ PS => polystyrene
➢ PP => polypropylene
This means they can be recycled by putting them in suitable collection bins.
Other packaging items (adhesives, fasteners, etc.) must be put in the domestic
To find out more: www.quefairedemesdechets.fr
B. Location and installation of the accessories
• The mobile aircon must be placed beside a window, a door or a window.
• To avoid over-heating of your appliance, a minimum distance of 60cm must
be kept between the back of the appliance and the wall, or any bulky object.
Advice for water drainage set-up
Water is produced during cooling and dehumidifying. Therefore, you need to set
up a drainage system. You can either choose to set up an automatic
(continuous) drainage system or drain the water manually.
1. Automatic Drainage
Water drainage is continuous if you use the upper drainage port (secondary
drainage port) with a drainage pipe. For instructions on set-up, please refer
to V. Maintenance and cleaning)
2. Manual Drainage
Water fills up an internal recycling tank during operation, and when the tank
is full, the alarm will sound and the compressor will stop working, indicating
that the water tank should be emptied. For how to manually empty water
from the tank to resume operation, please refer to V. Maintenance and
Packaging carton and paper can be recycled. Those have to
be placed in suitable collection bins.
are recyclable.