Flying the Blade Red Bull BO-105 CB 130 X
Consult local laws and ordinances before choosing a location to fl y your aircraft. Select a large, open area away
from people and objects. The helicopter can fl y outdoors or indoors in a gymnasium.
CAUTION: Familiarize yourself with the Blade Red Bull BO-105 CB 130 X primary controls before attempting your
fi rst fl ight. This helicopter is more responsive than other Blade micro helicopters like the Blade mSR. Seek help
from an experienced pilot if you are new to collective pitch helicopters.
Quickly increase the throttle to establish a low level hover. The helicopter lifts off the ground when the rotor head reaches
a suitable speed and you apply collective pitch. Establish a low-level hover to verify proper operation of your helicopter.
CAUTION: Do not give any aileron, elevator or rudder commands before takeoff or the helicopter may crash.
This aircraft is extremely sensitive to control inputs. We recommend you fl y at low rate settings for the fi rst few fl ights
until you are familiar with its response.
For pilots new to collective pitch helicopters, familiarize yourself with your helicopter in normal mode and at low rate.
Stunt Mode
When the helicopter is in stunt mode:
• The rotor head speed is constant and high.
• The main rotor will increase negative pitch as the throttle/collective stick is moved from the middle stick position to the
low stick position. Negative pitch enables the helicopter to fl y upside down and perform aerobatics.
Change between normal and stunt modes with the throttle near the hover stick position. The helicopter may go up or
down when you change between modes due to the difference in the throttle and pitch curves.
Throttle Hold
Throttle hold only turns off the motor on an electric helicopter. You maintain pitch and directional control.
The blades will spin if throttle hold is OFF. For safety, turn throttle hold ON any time you need to touch the helicopter or
check the direction controls.
Throttle hold is also used to turn off the motor if the helicopter is out of control, in danger of crashing, or both.
Establish a low level hover. Deliberately lower the throttle until the helicopter lands. Make only small control corrections
during this time to avoid rotor blade strikes or other damage.
Scale Aerobatics
The Blade Red Bull BO-105 CB 130 X, although not a 3D helicopter, offers similar aerobatic capabilities as the real Red
Bull BO-105 CB. Flips, loops, rolls and stall turn maneuvers are within the model's fl ight envelope and look very much like
the full sized aircraft. Aggressive pitch change maneuvers such as tick tocks are outside of the real BO-105 helicopter's
ratings of -1 to 3 Gs, so the Red Bull pilots who get the chance to fl y this remarkable helicopter have come up with
routines that highlight what the helicopter is capable of. Below is an example of one such airshow routine.
Red Bull BO-105 airshow routine
1. Enter with speed and pull up into a vertical climb,
level out at apex. Pirouette, pull into back fl ip.
Half roll on the vertical down line, pull out
2. Roll
3. Half Cuban 8
4. Roll
5. Loop
6. Pull up into 45° climb, push over into front fl ip at
apex, half roll on the vertical down line, pull out
7. Hammerhead
8. Two rolls
9. Half Cuban 8
10. Hammerhead
11. Half Cuban 8
12. Loop
13. Roll
14. Split-S into fl yby, turn and come in for
a nose-in hover toward crowd.