Flying the mCP X BL
Choosing a Location
The Blade mCP X BL can be fl own outdoors or in larger indoor spaces like a gymnasium. Before choosing a loca-
tion, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with any local ordinances that might affect the operation of RC aircraft.
Always be sure to select a large, open area away from people and objects.
Before you Fly
CAUTION: The Blade mCP X BL is much more powerful and responsive than most ultra micro helicopters
its size. If you're transitioning from a fi xed-pitch machine and this is your fi rst collective pitch helicopter,
we strongly recommend you seek the assistance of an experienced pilot before taking your fi rst fl ight.
Gradually increase the throttle, allowing the rotors time to come up to speed.
NOTICE: Do not give any aileron, elevator or rudder commands before the helicopter lifts off.
Any control inputs prior to liftoff could cause a crash.
The helicopter will lift off the ground when the rotor head reaches a suitable speed and you apply collective pitch.
Once airborne, establish a low-level hover to verify everything is functioning properly.
This aircraft is extremely sensitive to control inputs. We recommend you fl y at low rate settings for the fi rst few
fl ights until you are familiar with its response. For pilots new to collective pitch helicopters, familiarize yourself with
your mCP X BL in normal mode and at low rate. As you become more familiar with the helicopter's response, adjust
the rates, expo, pitch and throttle curves to suit your fl ying style.
NOTICE: To minimize damage, always activate throttle hold in preparation for or during a crash.
Establish a low level hover and slowly lower the collective pitch until the helicopter lands. Make only small control
corrections during this time to avoid rotor blade strikes or other damage.
Flying Checklist
1. Always turn the transmitter on fi rst
2. Plug the fl ight battery into the lead from the
3-in-1 control unit
3. Allow the 3-in-1 control unit to initialize and
arm properly
4. Fly the model
5. Land the model
6. Unplug the fl ight battery from the 3-in-1
control unit
7. Always turn the transmitter off last