Collective Pitch
Collective pitch up
Place the helicopter outdoors on a clean, fl at and level
surface (concrete or asphalt) free of obstructions. Always
stay clear of moving rotor blades.
1. The motor emits a series of tones when the helicop-
ter's ESC arms properly. Before you continue, confi rm
that TH HOLD is ON.
WARNING: The motor will spin when throttle is
increased while TH HOLD is OFF.
2. Check the swashplate directions to ensure they are
moving in the correct direction. Please refer to the
diagrams above for reference.
Pre-Flight Checklist
❏ Check all screws and ensure that they are tight
❏ Check belt tension and ensure that it is not too tight or
too loose
❏ Check main and tail blades to ensure they are not
❏ Check all links and make sure they move freely but do
not pop off easily
❏ Check that fl ight battery and transmitter battery are fully
Flying the Blade 270 CFX
Consult local laws and ordinances before choosing a
location to fl y your aircraft.
Select a large, open area away from people and objects.
Your fi rst fl ights should be outdoors in low-wind condi-
tions. Always stay at least 30 feet (10 meters) away from
the helicopter when it is fl ying.
The Blade 270 CFX is intended to be fl own outdoors.
CAUTION: The Blade 270 CFX is intended for
pilots with experience fl ying aerobatic, col-
lective pitch helicopters. The Blade 270 CFX is more
responsive than other Blade helicopters. If you are not
an experienced 3D or collective pitch helicopter pilot, do
not attempt to fl y this product.
The Blade 270 CFX is equipped with a "panic" feature
which provides an additional margin for recovery while
you are learning new maneuvers and signifi cantly reduces
the probability of crashing. This feature is particularly use-
ful for the experienced pilot attempting new maneuvers.
The panic feature is NOT intended to replace the skill
or experience of an advanced pilot.
Front View
Collective pitch down
WARNING: Stay at least 30 feet (10 meters)
away from the helicopter when the motor is
running. Do not attempt to fl y the helicopter at this time.
3. Ensure the throttle is lowered completely. Confi rm
the transmitter is still set to normal fl ight mode. Turn
throttle hold off at this time. Slowly increase the
throttle until the blades begin to spin. The main blades
spin clockwise when viewing the helicopter from the
top. The tail rotor blades spin counterclockwise when
viewing the helicopter from the right-hand side.
❏ Check all wires to ensure that they are not cut, pinched,
or chaffed and are properly secured
❏ Check all wire connections
❏ Check gears and make sure no teeth are missing
❏ Do a complete control test
❏ Check that servos are functioning properly
❏ Check to make sure fl ight battery is properly secured
❏ Check to make sure AR7210BX is properly secured
Panic Feature Operation
CAUTION: Before powering on the helicopter,
set the panic switch to OFF. Failure to do so will
cause the helicopter to initialize with a tail gyro gain
value that is too low and could cause a loss of control
resulting in a crash.
Activate panic mode by fl ipping the assigned switch from
POS 0 to POS 1. When panic mode is activated, the model
will quickly return to an upright attitude and apply positive
pitch, causing the model to climb. The helicopter will
continue to climb until panic mode is de-activated.
Before de-activating panic mode, return the collective
stick to the approximate hover point or higher. De-activate
panic mode by fl ipping the assigned switch from POS 1
to POS 0. After the assigned switch is returned to POS 0,
the amount of negative pitch available is reduced to help
prevent unexpected, rapid loss of altitude. Apply positive
pitch greater than the hover point, prior to attempting
any maneuvers requiring negative pitch, to enable full
pitch travel.
Front View