2 Description and operation
In the standard ThunderION analog interfacing is possible through the M12 connector. Remote
on and off switching and high voltage OK signalling are available..
In the ThunderION IQ the bar interfaces with auxiliary equipment through a serial protocol. It
must be connected to compatible Simco-ION IQ equipment.
The anti-static bar is supplied with replaceable screwable emitters. The side panels and end
plates are replaceable as well. The replaceable parts makes it easier, quicker and more
convenient to clean the bar.
By default, the bar operates with a pulse frequency of 5 Hz. This pulse frequency is used to
produce positive and negative ions alternately. For special applications this pulse frequency
has to be adjusted for optimum discharge results.
Various parameters, limit values and information on the operation can be displayed and logged
with a Manager IQ Easy. Refer to the user manual of the Manager IQ Easy for this as well.
The background colour of the anti-static bar icon
Inactive or no communication
Active and operating OK, without warnings or alarms
Standby, waiting for start command
Active, but with a warning
displays the status of the sensor