10 Auto-Dispensing (AUTO-DISP)
9.6 Options
In the operating mode, tap on the symbol
The Options menu appears.
Add to Favorites
Preset the STEP count
Go to Auto-Disp
Operating Mode Help
10 Auto-Dispensing (AUTO-DISP)
For information on the function of this mode, see Overview of modes, p. 72. For information on setting
the volume, speed, and other steps found in all modes, see Operation, p. 73.
10.1 Automatically dispensing liquid
You have set the pause time (an interval between liquid dispensing steps) manually or automati-
The tip is filled with liquid.
Press and hold the STEP button.
Liquid is dispensed automatically, as long as the STEP button is held down or as long as enough
liquid is present in the tip.
While liquid is being dispensed, the pause time counts down on the touchscreen display.
On the touchscreen display, you see the remaining STEPs.
10.2 Optimizing the dispensing duration
The liquid dispensing duration consists of the dispensing interval that you define and the dispensing
speed. To optimize liquid dispensing, you adjust both parameters.
For the dispensing speed, see Setting the aspiration and dispensing speed, p. 78.
For the dispensing interval, see Setting the pause time manually, p. 85.
Operating manual
Adds active settings to Favorites. You can open these again from
the main menu under Favorites.
Presets the STEP count.
Switches to Auto-Disp mode. The volume set in Multi-Disp mode
is also set in Auto-Disp mode.
Shows the help text for the mode.
HandyStep® touch, HandyStep® touch S 997486