What room temperature can you set?
Your heating controllers offers 4 room operating modes.
A room setpoint is assigned to each room operating
mode. Each setpoint is adjustable.
Your controller changes the setpoints according to a
time schedule (heating program,
continuous heating operation to the setpoint of the se-
lected room operating mode, depending on the selected
room operating mode.
Siemens Building Technologies / HVAC Products
page 9), or provides
Impact on the room?
This is the setpoint for the occupied space. It ensures comfortable conditions
This is the energy saving setpoint for the space to ensure that comfortable
conditions will be reached quickly when changing to Comfort mode
This is the energy saving setpoint for the space for longer periods of time (e.g.
during the night) when no Comfort setpoint is required
A minimum room temperature is ensured to protect the space against dam-
age due to frost
Main menu > Heating circuit ... > Room setpoints
If your plant comprises 2 heating circuits, you can adjust
the setpoints for both heating circuits separately
(Path: ... > Heating circuit 2 >... ).
The following setpoints are available. The default values
represent the recommended setpoints.
Guide value
21 °C
19 °C
16 °C
10 °C
74 319 0346 0 a