The safety traverses JAMBTAC AP-070-1 serves as a
temporary anchoring point for max. 2 persons in buildings.
They should only be used in doorways with load-bearing
brickwork on both sides (min. 13 kN). The clear door width for
the AP-070-1 1100 mm traverse must not be exceeded. The
safety traverses should only be used in combination with a fall-
arrest system or restraint system for personal fall protection
(EN 363). It must not be used for lifting or securing loads.
From outside, place the safety traverse on the ground into a
doorway opposite the falling edge (e.g. window opening). For
doorways, which are not opposite the falling edge, the safety
traverse must be placed on the ground that way that the fixed
side points towards the window and the adjustable side points
away from the window.
1. Use quick adjustment to adjust the safety traverses between
the door frames by pulling the actuator button on the locking
bolt on to the locking holes.
2. The ends of the safety traverse must extend above the door
opening on both sides by at least
mm. Check the safety
traverse for firmness of fit!
Should there not be sufficient space for the adjustable side
at one door opening, e.g. in a wall corner, then the safety
traverse is turned around.
3. The angle dimensions stated in the drawings must be
observed. Otherwise, there is the risk of the safety traverse
sliding out of the doorway. The deflection from the central axis
should be 30° in both directions for 1 person and, for 2 people,
30° in the direction of the non-adjustable supporting surface
Personal fall protection equipment used (e.g. catching
devices) must only be fastened at the ring eyelet. Observe the
instructions for use of PPE.
4. Application example
Identification and guarantee certificate (Please fill in
before initial use) (B) Model designation (type) / Version, (C)
Item number, (D) Serial number, (E) Year of manufacture, (F)
Standard(s) and year, (G) Max. load, (K) Material(s), (L) Date
of purchase, (M) Initial use, (N) User, (O) Company
Control card (P) Date, (Q) Reason for processing (e.g.
regular inspection or maintenance), (R) Damages detected,
maintenance performed, and further essentialdetails, (S)
Name and signature of the technicalexpert, (T) Date of the
next regular inspection