4.4 Classifying
For this purpose, F2.1=OVEr and F2.1.1=CLASS must be set in the operator menu. In
the factory setting, the classifying function is working with upper and lower tolerances of 10 d.
With parameters F2.2.3 and F2.2.4, these tolerances can be customized.
Setting target weight
1. Press
to activate the classifying function.
2. Press and hold
If F2.2.2=WEIGHt (factory setting) is set in the operator menu, the weight display appears.
3. Put the target weight on the weighing platform and save with
The OK indicator lights.
If F2.2.2=MAnUAL is set in the operator menu, the weight display with blinking last digit
3. Enter target weight using the
page 15).
4. Save entered weight value as target weight using the
Example: Target weight = 1.000 kg
Switching between classifying and normal weighing
➜ Press
to switch between classifying and normal weighing.
until tArGEt and the 3 indicators Under, OK and Over appear.
keys and confirm with
• Weight less than target weight and below
lower tolerance.
The Under indicator lights.
• Weight within tolerances.
The OK indicator lights.
• Weight more than target weight and
above upper tolerance.
The Over indicator lights.