10.2.6 Users Page
On the menu item, the users who can access the
device can be administered.
Administrator type users can access the complete
configuration of the device.
Users such as Operators and Users have limited
access to the management pages.
Users with limited access can only access the pages:
• Home
• Device Parameters
Fig. 34
The user name must not include use of special
characters, punctuation symbols, etc.
The password can only contain the following
characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ,._+@%/-()^*[]{}#;~).
10.2.7 Motions Recall Page
In the Motions Recall menu item, you can specify the
time intervals after which the product will execute
certain functions.
• Type: This parameter selects the function to
execute once the time interval of inactivity is up.
The functions which can be activated are: None,
Home Position, Preset Position, Preset Tour. The
Preset Position function requires specification
of which Preset using your ID. The Preset Tour
function requires specification of which Preset Tour
using your name. For this version of the device, a
single Preset Tour called Patrol is available.
• Timeout (s): This parameter specifies the duration
of the inactivity interval.
• Cyclic Re-calibration: This parameter specifies
after how many hours the system must execute
a new axes calibration procedure. Sets value 0 to
disable the function.
Fig. 35