7.10 Connection compartment
If you can't turn by hand the threaded
lid before the OR reaches the tube of the
connection compartment this means that
there are debris\dirt on the threads or that
the lid is misaligned. In this case there's
a serious danger of threads damaging.
Unscrew the lid and check the alignement
and/or clean the threads.
Never force the rotation of threaded lid
before the OR reaches the connection
compartment, otherwise thread damage
could occur.
If you suspect that any kind of thread
damaging has occurred, suspend the
installation. The device could be no longer
safe for the installation on a potentially
explosive atmosphere. In this case contact
STAHL technical support.
The O-ring must be replaced by a new one
after each opening.
Verify that there is no dirt or debris.
Lubricate the threaded part of the lid, of the
connection compartment and the seal with technical
vaseline oil lubricant.
Arrange the cables so that there is no interference
when closing the threaded lid of the connection
Fig. 16
Screw by hand the threaded lid of the connection
compartment till the OR gasket reaches the tube.
Fig. 17
Use a 30mm wrench for closing the threaded lid of
the connection compartment. Make sure that there's
no gap between the threaded cap and the junction
box tube after tightening the cap.
Fig. 18
To prevent unwanted unscrewing of the threaded lid,
complete the closing procedure by tightening the
safety pins provided.
Fig. 19