Horizontal and vertical movement
The virtual keyboard allows you to move the unit. Use
the drop-down menu under the virtual keyboard to
set the speed.
Fig. 22 Lens control
• Zoom Wide/Zoom Tele
Fig. 23
• Focus Near/Focus Far/Autofocus
Fig. 24
26 Day/Night mode control
• Day Mode/Auto Mode/Night Mode: The Day
Mode inserts the IR filter of the camera. The
Automatic mode, based on the brightness present,
allows the camera to decide on insertion or
removal of the IR filter. The Night Mode removes
the IR filter of the camera.
Fig. 25
The mode selected is indicated by a small, green ball
on the top, right-hand corner. The mode selected is
maintained also in the event the unit is switched off.
Fig. 26 Wiper and wash system control
• Wiper/Washer: The wash system must be enabled
in order to use it (10.2.9 Wash System Page, page
31). If a washer pump with tank was installed and
configured, the command activates the wiper and
the wash procedure.
Fig. 27