3) Turn the switch 1 for alignment mode to OFF on the two columns to obtain the most rapidly
repeating tone and the largest number of lit Leds by operating only the bottom cell.
4) Turn the switch 1 for alignment mode to ON and switch 2 to OFF on the two columns to
obtain the most rapidly repeating tone and the largest number of lit Leds by operating only
the top cell.
5) Turn the switch 2 to ON on the two columns to activate the alignment for the two upper and
lower cells and make certain that the audio tone is continuous and that the red and orange
Leds remain constantly lit and that the green indicator is blinking. If this is not the case, re-
perform the alignment.
Quality of alignment
No audio indicator
* Leds are provided only on the BIRIS II 100 and 200 models on RX columns for the BIRIS II 100 and
on RX and TX columns for the BIRIS II 200.
Upon completing alignment, turn the two switches 1 & 2 to the OFF position of alignment
mode on the RX and TX columns.
Attention : In the case in which several products are stacked one above the other (for
example, column or SYNCHRO mode mounted), optimization of the receiver must be
performed with care taken to power off the transmitters that are not in course of alignment
for the BIRIS II 50.
For the BIRIS II 100 and 200 barriers, the transmitters that are not in course of alignment
are turned off by the following sequence: Switches 1, 2, 5 & 6 to ON.
The BIRIS II 100 and BIRIS II 200 operate in 4 operating modes.
The BIRIS II 50 barriers operate only in "AND" mode.
Mode " AND " :
Simultaneous interruption of 2 cells in dual transmission to trigger the intrusion alarm.
Mode " OR " :
Interruption of a single cell in dual transmission to trigger the intrusion alarm.
Mode " AND/OR " :
Simultaneous interruption of 2 cells in dual transmission and/or interruption of the
bottom cell for a minimum of 1.5 s to trigger the intrusion alarm.
Mode " SYNCHRO " :
Superposing two barriers, one master and one slave, with the alarms controlled by the
master barrier, forming an infrared wall comprised of 4 dual transmission cells,
simultaneous interruption of 2 adjacent cells and/or interruption of the bottom cell for a
minimum of 1.5 s to trigger the intrusion alarm.
Red Led*
Constant On
Constant On
Constant On
Rapidly blinking
Constant On
Slowly blinking
Slowly blinking at
the rate of the
audio tone
- 26 -
Orange Led*
Green Led*
Constant On
Constant On
Constant On
Slowly blinking
BIRIS II 50/100/200
Audio indicator
Rapidly repeating
Slowly repeating
Slowly repeating