The JOIN'T3 has LTF 09 as well as EN 926-2 homologation. Both were achieved in the segment
"B". The many homologation tests mark the last hurdle in the development of a paraglider. The
homologation test flights are not made until our development team is completely satisfied with
the new glider. By definition the JOIN'T3 is a light sport aircraft in the category paraglider below
Please note that the homologation results offer no information about the flying characteristics
of the glider in thermally active and turbulent air. Homologation flights only give us information
about the glider's behavior during provoked extreme maneuvers in quiet air. For this reason, as
single factors in a complex relationship, the provoked extreme maneuvers in the homologation
process should not be overrated.
nature and envIronMentally
coMpatIble beHavIor
We have already taken the first step towards environmental awareness with our motor-free
sport, especially our pilots who climb up mountains under their own power to launch. Even so it is
very important that we behave in a manner that is as environmentally friendly as possible to pre-
serve the beauty and variety of nature. That means out of respect for nature, don't leave any
trash behind, don't walk outside the bounds of marked hiking paths, and don't make any unne-
cessary noise.