FlIGHt tecHnIques and cHaracterIstIcs
pre-FlIGHt cHeck and MaIntenance
The complete paragliding equipment should be checked carefully for possible defects before each
flight. It also makes sense to check your equipment after a long flight or a period of long storage.
Make sure to carefully check:
> All seams on the harness, the rescue chute attachments and the risers
> That all connecting parts, line shackles and carabiners are closed
> The brake line knots right and left, following the lines all the way up to the canopy
> All other lines from the risers to the canopy
> All line attachment points on the canopy
> The top and bottom of the wing for damage and wear and tear
> The profiles and the crossports on the inside
> The tandem bar and its connections
do not launcH IF you FInd any deFects, even sMall ones!
IF you FInd any sIGns oF daMaGe or abnorMal Wear and tear,
contact your FlIGHt scHool or skyWalk dIrectly.
Jet Flaps
Each of our gliders is equipped with skywalk's patented JET FLAP technology. Air is conducted
from the bottom of the wing (pressure area) to the top of the wing (vacuum area) and is blown
out there with a higher speed. The connection is established through jet shaped channels located
toward the back of the wing. The addition air mass on the top of the wing delays the flow sepa-
ration. The stall occurs later, the minimum flyable speed is lower, and the pilot has more reserve
in the angle of attack. This is especially important in phases such as takeoff and landing. The JET
FLAPS also help to improve climb performance since they allow you to circle very slowly in ther-
mals with little danger. The glider can be flown normally as the JET FLAPS don't require any spe-
cial control technique.
layInG out tHe GlIder and launcHInG
When the glider is new, we recommend that you first practice a few inflations and make some
short flights on a practice hill. This will give you the chance to get to know your new glider better.