aldes EasyVEC C4 Notice D'installation page 26

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A fault is
displayed on the
HMI screen *
The switch is off
The product has no power
The capacitor** is out of service or not
connected to the motor
The electronic board** is out of service
or is not wired
ID missing product
The fan does not
The motor is out of service or is not
The choke is out of service or is not
connected to the motor
The motor connector on the board** is
out of service
There is overvoltage on the board
The setpoint is not adjusted (value by
default) or is poorly adjusted
Error in choice of regulation mode
The setpoint has not been reached
The fan is not
operating at the
setpoint required
The thermoswitch is out of service or is
not connected to the electronic board (thus
triggering mode C4: high speed).
The ventilation ductwork is leaking or
HMI** displays
nothing whereas
HMI** on stand-by, disconnected or out
the box fan is
of service
The fan is not
The controller is in fi re mode (max. speed)
operating at the
and displays "Fire"
setpoint required.
The circuit breaker on the switchboard
detects an overload and cuts the circuit.
The motor does
not start and
Or power fault.
the frequency
controller screen
is not lit
Controller out of service
The controller is faulty and displays a
fault code
The controller does not receive the order to
The motor does
start the motor.
not start and
the frequency
controller screen
is lit.
Motor wiring fault
Motor out of service
*HMI: Human machine interface, available in Micro-watt/Micro-watt+ depending on version (fi xed by default, option or accessory) **Available depending on version. If the problem
persists, contact our after-sales service.
Error code
Check visually for switch on 1
HMI** switched off (and connected)
Check power supply wiring visually on product and on
electrical box
HMI** off and connected
Long-life LED on board is off (not blinking)**
Following change after-sales service card
HMI** switched on
Long-life LED lit on board**
Verify the motor connection visually
Verify the power supply at the multimeter at the motor
Verify confi g. value and setpoint (0-10 V)
Verify choke connection visually
HMI** switched on, none of the previous hypotheses
have produced a result
Verify electrical network
HMI** message
Verify choice of regulation
1. Verify setpoint value (typo for example) against the
stipulated value
2. Verify connection and obstruction of pressure tubes
1. Verify setpoint value (typo for example) against the
stipulated value
2. Verify connection and obstruction of pressure tubes
1. Verify setpoint value (typo for example) against the
stipulated value
2. Verify box fan maintenance (impeller cleaning)
3. Verify motor control cable undamaged
1. Verify temperature at box fan outlet (fi re risk) = /!\
2. Verify thermoswitch connection
Analyse the ductwork (leak and obstruction, etc.)
1. Press a button to exit stand-by mode
2. Verify HMI connection
• Refer to the maintenance guide HMI part
• Refer to the maintenance guide HMI part
• Activate the switch (position 1)
• Wire as per notice
• Reconnect capacitor
• Follow HMI recommendation for fi lling in Product ID
• Rewire the board if problem persists, change it
• Connect motor and if problem persists, change motor
+ choke
• Connect the choke then if problem persists, change
motor + choke assembly
• Change the board
• Commission, adjust the setpoint (via adjustment
button** or HMI**)
• Make the choice of regulation complaint
1. Adjust the setpoint via HMI** or adjustment button**
2. Reconnect the pressure tubes and unblock them.
If problem persists: change the hoses and then change
the board.
1. Adjust the setpoint via HMI
2. Reconnect the pressure tubes and unblock them.
If problem persists, change pressure sensor** or
change the board
1. Enter compliant setpoint value
2. Clean the impeller
3. Change motor
If problem persists, change the board
1. Notify site security
2. Reconnect thermoswitch and reinitialise as per
maintenance guide or change the part and reinitialise
as per maintenance guide
• Make the ductwork compliant
• Reconnect HMI
If problem persists, change HMI
• Check the thermoswitch (normally closed).
• Check for correct wiring of the thermoswitch to the
controller terminal block, between MI3 and DCM
•Check the size of the circuit breaker.
• Check the system voltage and the controller wiring
(inside and outside the box fan)
• Identify and correct the fault that caused the
controller fault.
• Change the controller
• Please see below §Controller fault codes »
• Check the controller output voltage.
• The order to start is given by the controller terminal
block (the RUN button is disabled).
• Verify the MI1/DCM bridging on the controller terminal
• Verify the position of switches above the controller
terminal block: NPN (and AVI depending on version)
• Verify the wiring between electronic board and
controller (depending on version)
• Verify the wiring between the controller and the motor
terminal box.
• Identify and correct the fault that caused the motor
to fail
• Change the motor

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