Ready for use
After connecting the Solea to the gas mains and making
the necessary adjustments, the unit is ready for use. Take
the remote control and point it towards the gas hearth.
Press the buttons 'OFF' and the upper big button ▲ .
When you hear a short beep it means that the signal
has reached the receiver and you can stop pressing the
buttons. Now you will hear a series of short beeps after
which the pilot flame will ignite. After a few seconds, the
fire will start to burn at its maximum. You can preset the
height of the flames manually with the big buttons in the
middle of the remote control.
When you press the ▲ button, the hearth will burn
higher. When you press the ▼ button you will turn the
hearth down. When you keep pressing ▼ the hearth
will switch to standby position. The pilot flame will stay
Igniting the fireplace for the first time
When you light the Solea for the first time, the fireplace
must 'anneal'. The unit has a heat resistant lacquer which
must still burn in. Though this may give an unpleasant
smell, it is otherwise harmless. It is advisable to turn onto
high for about three hours while airing the room well.
It is advisable to keep the pilot flame burning in heating
season to prevent condensation and possible calcification
on the inside of the door.
Some deposit may form on the glass panes of the hearth
after you light it for the first time to 'anneal' your hearth.
You can easily remove this deposit with a damp cloth
and if necessary with some cleansing agent for ceramic
rings when the hearth is cooled down. Page 20 shows
you how to open and close the door of the stove. Please
make sure you do not leave any finger marks on the
inside of the glass pane. Finger marks leave stains which
will burn in the glass as soon as you burn the fire.
Discolouration of walls, ceilings and grates
After lighting your hearth, the walls, ceilings and
grates may show some discolouration. This is caused
by the dust particles that burn in the convection
cover. This is a natural process for which WANDERS
cannot be held responsible. To minimize discolouring
we refer to the advice given for atmospheric hearths.
Your installer can give you more information about
When you light the hearth for the first time, the Solea
calculates how much time is needed to reach the preset
temperature. As the Solea selects the most efficient way
to heat the room it may happen that the flames are not
burning at their highest level when you light the stove.
Ensure that the logs are not placed in front of the pilot
flame. The gas must be able to stream freely to the main
burner. The main burner is located underneath the log set.
See page 24 for placing the ceramic log set properly.
Newly-built house or recently renovated?
It is advisable to wait six weeks before lighting the
hearth in a newly-built house that has recently been
delivered, or a space that has recently been drastically
renovated. The walls and ceilings still contain gases,
softeners and moist from plasterwork or paint. The
warm air-streams may discolour the dust particles
in the space which may stick to walls and ceilings.
When the moist in the walls and ceilings warm up
this may also cause yellowish stains.