Reset Axes
The Reset Axes command has to be used every time the scanner base plate is not
properly oriented. For a more detailed description see Reset Axes in the cara Scan User's
Guide. Follow the below steps:
1. Close the front protection cover.
2. Double click on the cara Scan icon in the desktop
3. In the drop down menu click on Tool -> Reset Axes or directly the icon
4. Wait until a dialog box confirms the end of the process.
In a few seconds the plate will start to rotate and tilt. It will stop automatically after
completing a predetermined series of rotations, after which it will be aligned. Basic Mode Acquisition
The Basic Mode is a general purpose application used to test the scanner or to acquire a
very simple model. The Basic Mode calls the low level acquisition engine, Lumen, and
move the model in several predefined positions in order to fully cover it from cameras
and projector point of view. From each position a points cloud is generated, all the points
clouds are aligned and merged together to create the final mesh, last operation is called
Finalize. For a more detailed description see Basic Mode in the cara Scan User's Guide.
Follow the below steps:
1. Fix a model on the working plate using Blu-Tack adhesive.
The working plate has a planar reference face: A.
The incisors teeth have to be oriented as in the image below:
2. Insert the working plate in the scanner, align the flat side of the working plate with
the base plate one. In this way the incisors are to the back of the scanner.
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