b) "Manuell" menu item (= "Manual")
• In the "Manuell" operating mode (3) (= "manual") the thermostats' heating demand is not taken into
account. The relay and FS20 switch (if present) are switched on (switching state "ON") and off
(switching state "OFF") in accordance with the selected switching programming with the "+" and
"-" buttons.
c) "Status" menu item
• After selecting this menu item (4) the current status of the thermostats can be checked.
• Select the individual thermostats with the "+" and "-" buttons. Which thermostat is currently
displayed is shown by the bar display on the upper edge of the display. The valve opening is shown
in percent. For unused memory blocks, bars appear in the display instead of the percent display.
• If the thermostat has suffered signal loss, the display shows "EA".
• If valve opening results in heating demand, then the corresponding symbol appears at the bottom
right of the display:
In this example the valve of the thermostat programmed to memory block 4 is 38% open. This results
in heating demand.
d) "Anlernen" menu item (= "Programme")
If this function (5) is selected the "FHT 8W" waits for a programming/recognition command from a
thermostat. The thermostat sends this in the special function "Code" (see instructions for the
If the "FHT 8W" receives a corresponding command, the thermostat is saved to the next free memory
block. The address of the thermostat is displayed on the screen and the memory block allocated to
the thermostat is shown in the upper display line.
If the memory is already full, then the error message "E1" appears and no further thermostats can be
programmed. The error message "E2" shows that the thermostat is already programmed.