Replace the Minimum Rate Bypass Screw
1. Locate and remove the bypass screw from the valve
and discard (this screw may be covered by a stick-
er). Note: The bypass screw may require either a
fl at head screwdriver or an Allen key depending on
its type. The bypass screw has a rubber O-ring and
may need to be carefully pulled out using pliers
after unscrewing.
2. Insert the replacement minimum rate bypass screw
and hand tighten using a screwdriver/Allen key.
Refer to the Specifi cations table on page 1 for proper
bypass screw (the number is stamped on the barrel
of the screw).
Re-install Module and Test for Leaks
1. Reconnect gas inlet to valve, tightening pipe con-
nection. Open shut off valve and inspect.
2. Test for leaks by applying a liquid detergent or soap
solution to all connection joints that were taken
apart and reassembled. Bubbles forming indicate a
gas leak.
NEVER use an open fl ame to check
for leaks! Correct any leak detected
Set the Manifold Pressure
1. Fit a manometer to the manifold pressure test tap
Bypass screw
2. Light the appliance and turn the control to full input.
3. Adjust the pressure adjustment screw using a small
4. Turn off the appliance, remove the manometer and
5. Check all connections for leaks.
on the valve—see fi gure below.
Loosen screw to check
(tighten afterwards)
Test Tap
Valve Inlet
Pressure Test Tappings
jeweller's size fl at blade screwdriver—as shown
below—while the appliance is running at full input to
produce manifold pressure, as per Specifi cations
table on page 1.
Front Face of Control Valve
Pry off
Plastic Cap
tighten the test tapping screw.
Front face of
control Valve
Pressure ad-
justment screw
behind plastic
Increases pressure
Decreases pressure