All manuals and user guides at
Duratio�: approx� 35 mi�utes�
Calc'�'Clea� combi�es the separate fu�c
tio�s of �escali�g a�� clea�i�g� If both pro
grammes are �ue to be ru� soo�, the es
presso machi�e automatically suggests this
service programme�
Important: If there is a ilter i� the water
ta�k (1�), it �ee�s to be remove� before the
service programme is ru��
If the message
Calc'n'Clean required!
appears o� the �isplay, press the
butto� (12) for 3 seco��s a�� the� press
the start butto� (1�)� The service pro
gramme will start�
To ru� Calc'�'Clea� before bei�g prompte�,
press the
off /
butto� (12) for at least 3
The� press the
off /
twice� Tur� the upper rotary k�ob (14) u�til
Start Calc'n'Clean
play� To start Calc'�'Clea�, press the start
butto� (1�)�
The �isplay will gui�e you through the
Empty drip tray
Insert drip tray
● Empty �rip tray (8) a�� replace them�
Calc'n'Clean in progress
The applia�ce ri�ses twice�
Open drawer
● Ope� the �rawer (4)�
Fill cleaner
● Drop a Bosch clea�i�g tablet i� the �raw
er (4) a�� close�
N.B.: If the water ilter is activate�, the �is
play will prompt you to remove the ilter a��
the� press the start butto� (1�) agai��
Remove the ilter �ow if you have �ot al
rea�y �o�e so� Press the start butto� (1�)�
off /
butto� (12) briely
appears i� the �is
Fill descaler
Press start
● Pour lukewarm water i�to the empty wa
ter ta�k (1�) up to the 0,5l mark a�� �is
solve 2 Bosch �escali�g tablets i� it�
● Press the start butto� (1�)�
Calc'n'Clean in progress
The �escali�g pro gramme will �ow ru� for
about 1� mi�utes�
Place container
Pull milk frother
● Place a receptacle with a capacity of at
least 1 litre u��er the outlet (�c)�
● Pull the milk frother (�) to ope� it�
Calc'n'Clean in progress
The �escali�g pro gramme will �ow ru� for
about 12 mi�utes�
Clean / Fill water tank
Press start
● Ri�se the water ta�k (1�) a�� reill it with
fresh water up to the max mark�
● Press the start butto� (1�)�
Calc'n'Clean in progress
The �escali�g pro gramme �ow ru�s for
about 3� seco��s a�� ri�ses the applia�ce�
Push milk frother
● Push the milk frother (�) i� to close it�
Calc'n'Clean in progress
The clea�i�g pro gramme will �ow ru� for
about 8 mi�utes�
Empty drip tray
Insert drip tray
● Empty �rip tray (8) a�� replace them�
Replace the ilter if o�e is bei�g use�� The
applia�ce has i�ishe� clea�i�g is rea�y for
use agai��
TES5�3�� �1/2�11