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Bosch TES503 Serie Notice D'utilisation page 29


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Switching on the appliance
1� Place the fully automatic espresso ma­
chi�e o� a l at, water­resista�t surface
that ca� take its weight� Make sure that
the machi�e's ve�tilatio� slots remai�
2� Pull the power cor� out of the storage
compartme�t (2�) a�� plug i�� A�just
the le�gth of the cable by pushi�g it
back i� or pulli�g it out� The easiest way
to �o this is to place the applia�ce so
that its back is l ush with the e�ge of the
cou�ter a�� either pull the cable down-
ward or push it upward�
3� I�stall the milk frother� Operate the ma­
chi�e o�ly after the milk frother (�) has
bee� fully assemble� a�� i�stalle��
4� Lift the li� of the water ta�k (17)�
5� Remove a�� ri�se the water ta�k (1�)
a�� i ll it with fresh col� water�
Do �ot i ll above the max mark�
�� Replace the water ta�k (1�) a�� push it
i rmly �ow�war� i�to place�
7� Close the li� of the water ta�k (17)
8� Fill the bea� co�tai�er (1) with coffee
bea�s� (For preparatio� usi�g grou��
coffee, see "Preparatio� usi�g grou��
coffee" o� page 29�)
9� Press the power switch O / I (9)� The
�isplay (15) shows the me�u for setti�g
the �isplay la�guage�
1�� Select the require� �isplay la�guage
with the upper rotary k�ob (14)� The
followi�g la�guages are available:
11� Press the start butto� (1�)� The
la�guage you selecte� is save�� The
�isplay shows
Pull milk frother
12� Place a receptacle u��er outlet (�c)�
13� Carefully pull out the milk frother (�) to
ope� it� The applia�ce ri�ses out the
milk frother (�) with water� The �isplay
Push milk frother
14� Push the milk frother (�) i� to close it�
The applia�ce heats up a�� ri�ses� Some
water will ru� out of the coffee outlet�
Whe� the �ri�k selectio� me�u is show� i�
the �isplay, the applia�ce is rea�y for use�
Switching off the appliance
If the applia�ce has �ot bee� use� for a�
hour, it ri�ses automatically a�� the�
switches off (time spa� ca� be programme�,
see "Me�u setti�gs"
Shut off
Exception: The applia�ce switches off with­
out ri�si�g if o�ly hot water or steam were
To switch the applia�ce off ma�ually before
this, press the
off /
applia�ce ri�ses a�� switches off�
N.B.: If the applia�ce is bei�g use� for the
i rst time, a service program has bee� ru�,
or the applia�ce has �ot bee� operate� for
a lo�g perio�, the i rst beverage will �ot
have the full aroma a�� shoul� �ot be co�­
Whe� usi�g the espresso machi�e for the
first time, you will achieve a suitably thick
a�� stable "crema" o�ly after the first few
cups have bee� �ispe�se��
After exte��e� use, water �roplets may
form o� the ve�tilatio� slots� This is �ormal�
o� page 27)�
butto� (12)� The
TES5�3�� �1/2�11



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