All manuals and user guides at
Never immerse the applia�ce or power cor�
i� water�
Do �ot reach i�to the gri��i�g u�it�
Use the applia�ce o�ly i� frostfree rooms�
Risk of scalding
The milk frother outlet (�c) gets very hot�
After use, allow to cool �ow� irst before
Use this applia�ce o�ly after the milk frother
(�) has bee� fully assemble� a�� i�stalle��
Risk of suffocation
Do �ot allow chil�re� to play with packagi�g
Included in delivery
See the illustratio� at the begi��i�g of this
i�structio� ma�ual�
1 Fully automatic espresso machi�e
2 Quick refere�ce gui�e
3 I�structio� ma�ual
4 Milk frother/Rotary selector
5 Water har��ess testi�g strip
6 Measuri�g spoo�
7 Grease (tube)
O�ly for TES503F1DE
8 Water ilter
9 Milk co�tai�er (i�sulate�)
Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH
Figures A, B, C, D a�� E
1 Bea� co�tai�er
2 Aroma cover
3 Selector for gri�� setti�g
4 Drawer
(grou�� coffee/clea�i�g tablet)
5 Brewi�g u�it (Fig. E)
a) Brewi�g u�it
b) Door
c) Storage compartme�t for quick
refere�ce gui�e
d) Push butto�
e) Lock
6 Milk frother (Fig. C)
a) Steam valve
b) Air �ozzle
c) Outlet
d) Rotary selector for warm milk/
milk froth
e) Milk tube
7 Coffee outlet, heighta�justable
8 Drip tray (Fig. D)
a) Drip tray pa�el
b) Coffee grou��s co�tai�er
c) Drip tray for coffee outlet
d) Grate for coffee outlet
e) Float
9 Power o�/off switch O / I
10 start butto�
off /
13 "Coffee stre�gth" rotary k�ob
14 "Dri�k selectio�" rotary k�ob
15 Display
16 Removable water ta�k
17 Li� for water ta�k
18 Measuri�g spoo�
(i�sertio� ai� for water ilter)
19 Storage compartme�t for
measuri�g spoo�
20 Power cable with storage compartme�t
O�ly for TES503F1DE
21 Milk co�tai�er (i�sulate�)
22 Water ilter