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Water i lter
A water i lter ca� preve�t scale buil�up�
Before a �ew water i lter is use�, it must be
ri�se�� To �o this, procee� as follows:
1� Press the water i lter i rmly i�to the wa
ter ta�k with the ai� of the measuri�g
spoo� (18)�
2� Fill the water ta�k (1�) with water up to
the max mark�
3� Press a�� hol� the
for at least three seco��s� The me�u
4� Press the
off /
e�ly u�til the �isplay shows
5� Select
Activate filter
rotary k�ob (14)�
�� Press the start butto� (1�)�
7� Place a receptacle with a capacity of ��5
litres u��er the outlet (�c)�
8� Press the start butto� (1�)�
9� Pull the milk frother (�) to ope� it�
1�� Water will �ow l ow through the i lter to
ri�se it�
11� Push the milk frother (�) i� to close it�
12� Empty the co�tai�er�
The applia�ce is rea�y to use o�ce more�
Note: Ri�si�g the i lter simulta�eously acti
vates the setti�g for the
The i lter is �o lo�ger effective whe� the
�isplay appears, or at the
Change filter!
latest after 2 mo�ths� It �ee�s to be re
place� for reaso�s of hygie�e a�� so that
there is �o buil�up of limescale (this coul�
�amage the applia�ce)�
Replaceme�t i lters ca� be obtai�e� from
retailers (TCZ7��3) or from customer serv
ice (4�7873)� If �o �ew i lter is use�, tur�
setti�g to
Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH
off /
butto� (12)
butto� (12) repeat
No / Old
with the upper
Change filter!
Note: You ca� use the i lter i��icator to
mark the mo�th i� which you i�serte� the
i lter� You ca� also mark the mo�th i� which
you will �ee� to replace the i lter �ext (at
the latest after two mo�ths)�
Note: If the applia�ce has �ot bee� use�
for a prolo�ge� perio� (e�g� vacatio�) the
i lter shoul� be ri�se� before the applia�ce
is use� agai�� To �o so, �ispe�se a cup of
hot water a�� pour it away�