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Bosch TES503 Serie Notice D'utilisation page 28


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Milk frother
Pull the milk frother (�) out to ope� it a��
push it back i� to close it�
Rotary selector
To �ispe�se milk froth – for example for a
latte macchiato or cappucci�o – tur� the
symbol to the fro�t�
To �ispe�se warm milk, tur� the
to the fro�t�
To �ispe�se hot water, set the rotary selec­
tor to the horizo�tal positio��
Display messages
The �isplay (15) shows �ot o�ly the curre�t
operati�g status, but also various messages
that give you status i�formatio� or let you
k�ow whe� you �ee� to take actio�� As
soo� as you have take� the �ecessary ac­
tio�, the message �isappears a�� the me�u
for �ri�k selectio� is �isplaye� agai��
Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH
The lo�ger the coffee is brewe�, the more
bitter substa�ces a�� u��esire� aromas are
release�� This has a �egative effect o� the
taste a�� makes the coffee less easily �i­
gestible� So for extra stro�g coffee the
TES5�3 has a special aromaDoubleShot
fu�ctio�� Whe� half the qua�tity has bee�
prepare�, coffee is grou�� a�� brewe�
agai� so that o�ly the pleasa�t, aromatic
sce�ts are release��
The aromaDoubleShot fu�ctio� is activate�
with the followi�g setti�gs:
Before using for the i rst
Fill the water ta�k with fresh, col�, u�car­
bo�ate� water o�ly, a�� preferably use o�ly
bea�s for fully automatic coffee a�� espres­
so machi�es� Do �ot use coffee bea�s that
have bee� glaze�, caramelise� or treate�
with other a��itives co�tai�i�g sugar, si�ce
they will block the brewi�g u�it�
The water har��ess setti�g ca� be a�juste�
o� this applia�ce� The factory �efault set­
ti�g for the water har��ess is 4� Check the
water har��ess with the e�close� test strip�
If the check reveals a value other tha� 4,
cha�ge the setti�g o� the applia�ce accor�­
i�gly after switchi�g o� (see "Me�u setti�gs"
Water hardness
o� page 27)�



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