3. Ope ra ti on
3.4 Op er a tion
When the en gine re sponds to brief ac cel er a tion, the ma chine
can be op er ated.
Set the throt tle le ver to «max.»
Only op er ate the ma chine at full throt tle and set to
idling when in ter rupt ing work for short pe ri ods of
time to pre vent the cen trif u gal clutch slip ping and
be ing dam aged.
Steer the ma chine by mov ing the con trol arm side ways.
To stop the ma chine, set the throt tle le ver to «min.».
3.5 Wa ter spray
Cock (1) tur ning
Po si ti on«I»
= Wa ter spray off
Po si ti on«II» = Wa ter spray on
If there is a risk of frost, the spray ing sys tem should be
completeley emp tied respt. filled with an ti freeze.
Spe ci al equip ment