3.2 Prior to use
Use per sonal pro tec tive equip ment (in par tic u lar
hear ing pro tec tors and safety shoes). Risk of loss
of hear ing!
Ob serve the safety con di tions.
Ob serve the op er a tion and main te nance in struc -
Read the En gine op er at ing in struc tions. Ob serve
the Importants on safety, op er a tion and main te -
nance con tained in them.
Park the ma chine on level ground.
the en gine oil level
fuel level
screwed con nec tions for tight ness
the con di tion of the en gine and ma chine.
Top-up miss ing lu bri cant ac cord ing to the lu bri cant chart.
3. Ope ra ti on