7. Main te nance ma chine
7.1 Clean ing
Risk of fire and ex plo sion caused by in flam ma ble
sub stances.
For clean ing, do not use any flam ma ble or ag -
gres sive ma te ri als.
When clean ing the ma chine with a pres sure washer,
do not spray the elec tri cal com po nents di rectly.
When clean ing the ma chine with a pres sure washer,
do not hold it di rectly over the air fil ter.
Clean the ma chine on a daily ba sis.
Af ter clean ing all ca bles, hoses, con nec tions and con nec tors
are to be checked for leak age, holed con nec tions, chaf ing
points and other dam age.
De tected faults are to be elim i nated im me di ately.
7.2 Screw con nec tions
Tight en ing torques
Strength classes for screws with un treated, non-lu bri cated sur -
The val ues re sult in 90% uti li sa tion of the ap par ent yield ing point
at a fric tion co ef fi cient µ
Tight en ing torques are checked for cor rect ness us ing torque
When us ing lu bri cant MoS2, the spec i fied val ues do not ap ply.
Re new self-lock ing nuts af ter each re moval.
= 0.14.