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Alpine 3DE-7886RS Mode D'emploi page 74


CD changer not functioning./Le changeur CD
ne fonctionne pas./El cambiador de discos
compactos no funciona.
CD playback sound is wavering./Le son de
lecture de CD est déformé./El sonido de
reproducción de un disco compacto oscila.
Unable to fast forward or backward./Avance
rapide ou inversion impossibles./El disco no
avanza ni retrocede.
Sound skips due to vibration./Pertes de son
dues à des vibrations./El sonido salta
debido a las vibraciones.
Sound skips without vibration./Pertes de
son non dues à des vibrations./El sonido
salta sin haber vibraciones.
In Case of Difficulty
CD Mode
Cause and Solution
• Out of operating temperature range +50˚C
(+120˚F) for CD.
– Allow the car's interior (or trunk) tempera-
ture to cool.
• Moisture condensation in the CD Module.
– Allow enough time for the condensation
to evaporate (about 1 hour).
• The CD has been damaged.
– Eject the CD and discard; using a
damaged CD in your unit can cause
damage to the transport.
• Improper mounting.
– Securely re-mount the unit.
• Disc is very dirty.
– Clean the disc.
• Disc has scratches.
– Change the disc.
• Dirty or scratched disc.
– Clean the disc; damaged discs should be

