Use of wood lifter
The log splitter is equipped with a wood lifting function, which should be used when
splitting long and heavy pieces of wood. The function cannot be used on short pieces.
To use the wood lifter, the chain from the lifting bar must be mounted on the holder A.
If you do not want to use the lifting function, the chain must be mounted on the holder B.
1. Drive the wedge all the way to the bottom so that the lifting bar rests on the ground.
2. Place a long piece of wood on the lifting bar and let the wood end rest against the
bottom plate (1).
3. Activate the right control lever (push up) so that the wedge moves backwards. The
chain which is attached to the splitting head and lifting bar now lifts the wood piece up
on the base plate (2).
4. Split the wood by activating both control levers (3).